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例句 Deciding to buy a new car was easy. Now we come to the hard part: finding the money.决定买辆新车很容易。现在我们面临的难题是筹集购车款。Crowdfunding provides locally sourced finance for renewable energy projects around the country. 在全国各地,网络众筹都用来为可再生能源项目筹集来自当地的资金。The campaign was financed mainly through voluntary contributions.竞选活动的资金主要是通过自愿捐助筹集的。The appeal raised over three million pounds.募捐活动筹集到三百多万英镑。The amount of money we raised was beyond our wildest dreams.我们筹集到的钱的数目之大完全超出了我们的意料。We were collecting money in aid of charity.我们在为慈善事业筹集善款。The money for the Christmas lights was raised by a group of local shopkeepers, who want to attract shoppers to the area.圣诞节彩灯的资金是当地一些店主筹集的,他们希望吸引购物者到该区去。We had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.有个筹集慈善捐款的人到我们这里来募捐。They may have to float a loan to raise the money for renovations.为了筹集翻修资金,他们可能不得不申请贷款。Bowen had friends in high places, and managed to raise large sums of money from the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations.鲍恩有门路,能从卡内基和洛克菲勒基金会筹集到大笔资金。We are now actively seeking further funding.我们正在积极筹集更多资金。The organization raised funds for its maintenance.这机构筹集基金来维持自身。The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity.那样做旨在筹集善款。They all pitched in and the money was collected within a few days.他们都出了钱,几天内就筹集到一笔钱。There has been a lot of behind-the-scenes lobbying for more money.筹集更多资金,已经做了大量的幕后游说工作。The money was raised largely through the efforts of parents.这笔钱主要是通过父母的努力才筹集到的。The club sold tickets for a trolley dash at the supermarket to raise money for charity.俱乐部出售超市疯狂大采购的门票以筹集善款。He passed round a hat asking for a generous bung for the overworked bartender.他传帽子,为辛勤的酒吧招待筹集一笔慷慨的小费。All the money has been raised by voluntary contribution.所有这些钱都是靠自愿捐献筹集的。Simon knew that he needed to raise the money quickly.西蒙知道他得快点筹集到这笔钱。Millions of pounds are generated for the arts by the national lottery.国家彩票业已为艺术行业筹集了上百万英镑的资金。Our ultimate end in sponsoring the event is to raise money for charity.我们发起这项活动的最终目标是筹集善款。They collected donations for a fund to help military families.他们为一个旨在帮助军人家属的基金筹集捐款。How in Heaven's name could they raise a sum like that?天哪,他们怎么才能筹集到这么一笔钱呢? His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans.他的主要任务是筹集足够的资金以偿还抵押贷款。In a remarkable display of generosity, the students gave the money they had raised for the class trip to their sick classmate.学生们把筹集的班级出游款赠给了患病的同学,表现出不同寻常的慷慨。Ten percent of the collection goes to the city's shelters for homeless people.筹集款的百分之十用于为城市无家可归的人提供庇护所。As I have already mentioned, I doubt that we will be able to raise all the money we need.正如我早就说过的,我怀疑我们是否能够筹集到足够的资金。If you can pull together sufficient funding, we are prepared to approve the project.如果你能筹集到足够资金,我们愿意批准这个项目。The exhibition is free, but there is a collection box for donations.展览会是免费的,但是有个募捐箱筹集捐款。We're putting on a concert to raise money for cancer charities.我们要组织一场音乐会来为癌症患者筹集善款。The Famine Appeal has raised more than a million pounds through private donations and fund-raising activities.赈饥会通过私人捐赠和筹款活动筹集到一百多万英镑。The students conjured a clever scheme to raise the money they needed.学生们想出一个绝妙方案来筹集他们所需的钱。Each candidate is focused on raising more money than the opposition.每一位候选人都把重点放在了争取比对手筹集到更多的款项上。The lottery has raised millions of pounds.这批彩票已经筹集了数百万英镑。We're trying to get together enough money to buy a flat.我们正在想办法筹集足够的钱买一套公寓房。He raised the money by taking out a second mortgage on his house.他通过对自己的房屋办理二次抵押筹集了这笔钱。We're still trying to get together the money we need to buy a new car.我们还在努力筹集购置新车所需的资金。The organization may soon cease to exist if more funding isn't provided.如果无法筹集到更多的资金,这个机构可能很快会解散。John is doing his bit to raise funds for charity.约翰正在为筹集善款尽自己的微薄之力。




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