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词汇 筑巢
例句 He handed in a paper about the nesting habits of birds.他提交了一篇关于鸟类筑巢习惯的论文。Do not disturb nesting birds or other wildlife.不要惊扰正在筑巢的鸟类或其他野生动物。Migrant birds shelter in the reeds.候鸟在芦苇丛中筑巢Some birds nest in tree cavities.有些鸟在树洞里筑巢Birds make nests in preparation for breeding.鸟类筑巢准备产蛋。These birds return to the same place every year to build their nests.这些鸟每年会返回同一个地方筑巢Bees will often build their nests in decayed wood.蜜蜂经常在腐朽的木头里筑巢Stick to the paths, and make sure you keep your distance from nesting birds.沿着小路走,而且要远离筑巢的鸟儿。The mild weather has started them thinking about nesting and breeding.温暖的天气已让它们开始考虑筑巢和繁殖。Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.这种鸟独特的筑巢习惯使它不同于其他的鸟。The mixed coppice is an ideal habitat for nesting birds.混生矮林是鸟儿筑巢的理想场所。This area is a nesting ground/place/site for seagulls. 这一带是海鸥筑巢的地方。She studied the nesting habits of the turtle.她研究龟的筑巢习性。We've got some swallows nesting in our roof at the moment.现在有几只燕子在我们的屋顶下筑巢The bird shaped its nest from mud and sticks.鸟用泥和枝条筑巢Its nickname is the Goldilocks Bird, because it nests only when water levels are "just right".它的昵称叫“恰好鸟”,因为它们只在水位刚好的地方筑巢The birds built their nest in the tree.鸟儿们在树上筑巢This bird is atypical of most species here in that it does not build a nest.这种鸟不筑巢,并不是这里大多数鸟类的典型。The birds nested in the oak tree.鸟在橡树上筑巢Ravens nest very early in the spring and they pair off in the late autumn.渡鸦早春筑巢,晚秋交配。Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.一些鸟类会彼此紧挨着筑巢The birds contested one another for nesting territory.鸟儿互相争夺筑巢的地盘。All birds of this species are programmed to build their nests in the same way.这种鸟生来都会以同一种方式筑巢




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