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词汇 穿衣
例句 They have to get washed and dressed in a chilly bathroom.他们只得在冰冷的浴室里洗澡、穿衣The mother is dressing her baby.母亲正为婴孩穿衣The model has an individual way of dressing.这个模特儿有著独特的穿衣方式。Dressing is difficult for her since her accident.遭受意外之后她穿衣困难。After breakfast, there will still be enough time for bathing and dressing.用过早餐后,还有足够时间洗澡和穿衣打扮。He has no dress sense at all.他毫无穿衣品位。Some back injuries are caused by restrictive clothing.有些背伤是由于穿衣过紧而造成的。I need to shower and dress.我要洗澡穿衣Every morning I get up, wash and get dressed.每天早上我起床、洗漱,然后穿衣We can dress as we wish now.我们现在可以随心所欲地穿衣打扮了。We wash the children and dress them for school.我们给孩子们洗澡穿衣,好让他们上学。People here just don't know how to dress, present company excepted.这里的人不知道如何穿衣打扮,在座诸位除外。Babies should never be overclothed.绝对不应给婴儿穿衣过多。As soon as it grew light, we got up and dressed.天一亮我们就起床穿衣Mary is old enough to feed and clothe herself.玛丽已经长大,可以自己吃饭、穿衣了。Doing this will prove you're not just a mindless clotheshorse with daddy's platinum card.这么做将证明你并非只是一个手拿父亲的白金信用卡、只会穿衣打扮的脑残。He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed.他心情低落,无精打采,完全没有心思穿衣整装。Jack had difficulty dressing unaided.杰克自己穿衣有困难。They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts, including having to get dressed and undressed in public.他们经历了各种有损尊严和令人尴尬的事,包括不得不当众穿衣和脱衣。She could barely feed and clothe herself.她几乎不会自己吃饭和穿衣The way in which women dress seems no longer to correlate with their sexual designs.妇女的穿衣打扮方式似乎不再与她们的性别特征有关。Elvin depended on her to dress him, feed him and do many other tasks.埃尔文需要她帮他穿衣、喂饭,以及做许多其他事情。It's time to get out of bed and get dressed. 该起床穿衣了。What were your worst fashion disasters?穿衣打扮最糟糕的是哪几次?I wish you weren't so conventional in the clothes you wear.我真希望你穿衣不要那么保守。Her dress sense is appalling.她的穿衣品位糟透了。




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