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Move along and make room for me.请往前挪一下,让出点空位给我。The car park was full, and the nearest suitable alternative was two miles away.这个停车场没有空位了,另一个离这儿最近的合适的停车场有两英里远。Do you have a spare seat in your car?你的车里还有空位吗?I see three empty seats in the second/front/back row.我看见第二排/前排/后排有三个空位。There's no place to sit down.没有空位可坐。Can you find a free space where we can park the car?你能找个可供我们泊车的空位吗? You could try parking by the library - there's usually room in the car park there.你可以试试把车停在图书馆旁边,那里的停车场通常有空位。I couldn't find an empty space in the car park.我在停车场找不到空位。There are still a few places left on the coach.长途公共汽车上还有几个空位。They had no room to spare in their car, so we had to take a taxi.他们车上没有空位了,所以我们只得坐出租车。There were loads and loads of empty seats at the game - I was kind of surprised.球场看台上有不少空位一我有点吃惊。You'd better book now while they still have a vacancy.你最好趁现在他们还有空位的时候就预订。 |