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例句 He was undismayed by the setbacks.面对种种挫折他毫不沮丧。The problems in one place create ripples elsewhere.一个地方的种种问题会在别处引起反响。Despite all setbacks, he keeps on.尽管遇到种种挫折,他仍坚持下去。 His troubles have aged him.种种烦恼让他苍老了许多。The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.在俄罗斯的欧洲商人所面临的种种巨大困难是显而易见的。The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger.国会预算办公室说有种种的迹象表明联邦赤字正在增加。The mind boggles at the possibilities that could be in store for us.我们简直无法想象将来面临的种种可能性。Speculation ran rife on who the candidate would be.关于谁将当候选人,流传着种种猜测。They quickly began spinning their own theories about the shooting.他们立即开始编造关于这次枪击事件的种种推测。For all the faults in our education system, it is still better than that in many other countries.尽管存在种种缺陷,我们的教育系统仍然比其他许多国家的要好。Politicians must be willing to endure/suffer the slings and arrows of public life.政治人物必须心甘情愿忍受公共生活的种种鞭挞。All that has been told is merely an appetizer for the book itself.说到上述种种只是为了引起读者对这部书本身的更大兴趣。His sudden resignation spawned many rumours.他的突然辞职引起了种种谣言。Potential health risks are spelt out to women wanting silicone breast implants.硅胶乳腺假体的种种潜在风险都已向想要隆胸的女性一一告知。They possibly falsified the results to cover up the inadequacies of their theory.他们有可能篡改了结果,以掩盖其理论的种种缺陷。He spoke of the abhorrent crimes that had been committed under the regime.他说起那个政权曾犯下的种种可憎的暴行。Conflicting fancies milled about in his mind.相互矛盾的种种幻想在他脑海中打转。He enumerated the benefits of the insurance scheme.他列出了这项保险方案的种种益处。Various signs of political instability began to appear.政治动乱的种种迹象开始显现。None of our efforts to calm her succeeded.我们为使她平静下来作出的种种努力都没能成功。We are trying to lay to rest the myths surrounding mental illness.我们试图使围绕精神疾病产生的种种神话寿终正寝。He is accused of inflicting unimaginable barbarities on his own people.他被指控对自己的人民实施了种种令人难以想象的暴行。The fact that the number of deaths from cancer in the area has doubled surely gives the lie to official assurances of the safety of nuclear power.该地区的癌症死亡人数已经翻了一番,这个事实说明官方对核电安全性所作的种种保证纯属一派胡言。Rumours are rife about the cause of the fire.现正流传着关于起火原因的种种谣言。He now repents of his past misdeeds.他现在后悔自己过去所犯下的种种恶行。I would gladly pay for the benefits such a tax would bring.这一税种带来种种福利,我非常乐于为此付钱。The article describes the vulgar excesses of the newly rich.文章描写了那些暴发户种种庸俗放肆的行为。She went on the offensive to fight the charges against her.她采取攻势反击对她的种种指控。The play is all of a piece, and thoroughly at ease within its own limitations.全剧浑然一体,虽有本身的种种局限但还是舒展自如。They've experienced both the highs and the lows of married life.他们经历了婚姻生活的种种幸福和痛苦。The list of their achievements is pretty impressive.他们的种种成就非常令人钦佩。It is time to redress the injustices of the past.现在是改正过去种种不公正行为的时候了。Doctors are failing in their duty if they do not warn their patients of the dangers.如果医生不提醒病人注意种种危险,那就是失职。He was cognizant of the peculiarities of the case.他认识到了此案的种种怪异之处。Today's violence highlights the problems faced by the government here.今天的暴行突显了这里的政府所面对的种种问题。He has this enviable ability to ignore everything that's unpleasant in life.他有这种令人羡慕的本事,能够不去理睬生活中的种种不快。The tensions and fears of the past few years have dissipated.过去几年的种种紧张与恐惧现已消失。She was driving him potty with her demands.她的种种要求快把他逼疯了。She felt most severely the miseries of mankind.她极为强烈地感受到了人类的种种苦难。They extolled the virtues of education.他们称颂教育的种种益处。




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