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词汇 to drag
例句 Presidential campaigns seem to drag on forever.总统竞选活动似乎没完没了地在继续。He stared at the fishing boat and wondered what kind of life it was to drag sustenance from this hard sea.他盯着那条渔船,想着靠它在这样一片条件恶劣的海上打鱼为生是怎样一种生活。I don't want to drag this meeting out too long, so could we run through the main points quickly?此次会议我不想拖延太久,所以咱们赶快把主要议题都过一遍好吗?Do you always have to drag up the past?你非得总提起过去的事吗?If she doesn't want to tell you, there's no point in trying to drag it out of her.假如她不愿告诉你,那么犯不着问她。We managed to drag the two men apart before they could harm each other.我们在这两人伤着对方之前设法把他们拉开了。She tried to drag herself away from his arms.她企图挣脱他的拥抱。Neither of them wanted to drag the divorce out longer than they had to.双方都不想把这场离婚案不必要地拖延下去。They tried to drag me into their quarrel.他们试图把我卷入他们的争吵中。The police had to drag her kicking and screaming out of the house.警察不得不把又踢又叫的她拖出房子。There was no need to drag up the mistake she made twenty years ago.没必要故意重提她20年前犯的那个错误。He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him.他几乎快拖不动身后那条发炎的腿了。Inge managed to drag the table into the kitchen.英奇费了很大劲把桌子拖进厨房里。I don't mean to drag you down with all my problems.我不想让我的这些问题把你搞得很不高兴。She hates dance; we had to drag her into going to the dancing party.她讨厌跳舞,我们不得不说服她去参加舞会。All that stress at work had begun to drag him down.工作上那么大的压力快要把他压垮了。She was seized with the urge to drag Alice from her chair and shake her.她有种冲动,想把艾丽丝从椅子上拽下来,然后摇晃她。I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.我发现要让我自己定期出门锻炼真的很难。I tried to drag myself out of the morass of despair.我试图从绝望的困境中走出来。The talk soon began to drag, and then died.不一会儿谈话开始变得单调乏味,接着就完全冷场了。Huge amounts of aid will be needed if this society is ever to drag itself out of the dark ages.这个社会若要脱离落后的状态便需要大量的援助。He only told me her name, and I had to drag that out of him.他只告诉了我她的名字,但我得劝他把那件事都说出来。There was really no need to drag the meeting out that long.会议拖得那么久实在是没有必要。Pay out the hawser fast. I don't want that anchor to drag.快放松粗绳。我不希望那锚被拖走。It's hard to drag him out of the house.很难把他拽出门。Doug's gone from one extreme to the other - it used to be impossible to drag him away from the TV. Now we can't get him to stay home.道格从一个极端走到了另一个极端一过去他看电视怎也不舍得离开,现在却无法要他留在家里。Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.用鼠标把这些图片拖成新的尺寸。Doctors sometimes have to drag information out of their patients.医生有时不得不从病人那里套出信息。She had to drag her husband to the opera.她只得硬拉丈夫去看歌剧。The bride's long dress began to drag along the ground.新娘的长连衣裙开始拖地前行。I'm ready to go home now, but I don't want to drag you away if you're enjoying yourself.我要回家了,但如果你玩得正高兴,我并不想硬把你拉走。You'll have to drag him kicking and screaming to the talks.你将只好硬逼着他参加会谈。She practically had to drag her husband to the opera.她几乎是硬拉着丈夫去看的歌剧。I scarcely had time to drag a comb through my hair.我几乎没时间梳理头发。One of the climbers was beginning to drag.爬山的人中间有一人开始落到了后面。I'm sorry to drag you into this mess.很抱歉,把你扯进这烂摊子。Searchers used three boats to drag the river.搜救队员用了三条船在那条河里打捞。They urged Parliament not to drag its feet on the bill.他们敦促议会对这项议案不要拖延时间。You never tell me how you feel - I always have to drag it out of you.你从来都不告诉我你的感受——总得让我逼着你说出来。The company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years.公司愿意将诉讼拖上几年。




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