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Gordon and I try to keep off any subject to do with politics.我和戈登都尽量避开与政治有关的话题。I don't know what to do with this strange object.我不知道这怪东西有什么用。It's often to do with stress and exam pressure.这常常与精神紧张和考试压力有关。He won't know what to do with himself while Julie is gone.朱莉不在的时候他不知道如何打发时间。I dread to think what Hollywood is planning to do with this interesting little story.我不敢想好莱坞打算如何处理这个有趣的小故事。She's crazy for anything having to do with Japanese animation.任何与日本动漫有关的东西都让她着迷。I do not want anything further to do with this mess.我再不想蹚这浑水了。I do not know what to do with the information if I cannot pass it on.如果我不能把这些信息传出去,我该如何是好。This has nothing to do with you! I wish you would just butt out!此事与你无关,希望你不要再插手!The argument is a red herring. It actually has nothing to do with the issue.这个论点旨在转移注意力。它实际上和争论的问题没有任何关系。It's illusory to think success in life in the long haul has to do with how successful you are at work alone.认为未来人生的成功只与工作的成功有关是一种错误的观念。I really shouldn't have told her about it - it had nothing to do with her, really.我实在是不该把这事告诉她的,这件事和她完全无关。I don't know much about his job, but it has something to do with finance.我对他的工作不甚了解,只知道与金融有关。What do you really want to do with your life?你究竟想怎样度过你的一生?My father was a remote figure who had nothing to do with my everyday life.父亲和我很疏远,跟我的日常生活毫不相干。His grandfather had left no instructions about what to do with his paintings.他祖父对他的那些画怎么处理没有留下指示。A lot of this has to do with power and greed.凡此种种都和权力与贪欲有关。You're wrong. It's got everything to do with you: you're legally responsible for what went wrong.你错了。这一切都与你有关:你要对出现的问题负法律责任。As a matter of fact I do have a boyfriend, but what's that got to do with you?实际上我确实有男朋友,但那跟你有什么关系?There was a dispute over/about what to do with the extra money.在如何使用这笔额外资金的问题上存在争议。She hid documents to do with this problem in an envelope.她把有关此问题的文件藏在一个信封里。I'm not sure what he does exactly - it's something to do with finance.我不知道他到底是做什么的——好像和财务有关。Anything to do with the Royal Family goes down a bomb with tourists.与王室有关的任何东西都大受游客的欢迎。Both avowed that they had nothing to do with the crime.两人公开表示他们与这一犯罪行为无关。The children didn't know what to do with themselves for excitement.孩子们兴奋得无法控制自己。He is highly disdainful of anything to do with the literary establishment.他对任何与文学界权威沾边的事情都嗤之以鼻。Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money?在如何利用那笔诺贝尔奖金的问题上有不同意见吗?He persisted that he had nothing to do with robbery.他坚持说他与抢劫毫无关系。Most activists don't want anything to do with violent protests.大多数积极分子都不想参与暴力抗议活动。I wish he wouldn't offer advice on my marriage - it's nothing to do with him.我希望他别对我的婚姻说三道四——这不关他的事。Her songs are generally to do with the eternities of love and loss.她的歌曲一般都和爱情和死亡这样的永恒主题有关。This letter has to do with Bill's plans for the holiday.这封信与比尔的度假计划有关。She didn't know what to do with herself after she retired.她不知道退休后该如何打发时间。Their conversation had been largely to do with work.他们的谈话大部分是有关工作的。The two incidents might have something to do with each other, but I can't see the connection.这两件事也许有点关系,但我看不出来。Anything to do with computers fascinates him.与电脑有关的任何事都使他入迷。Hard work has a great deal to do with my success.工作努力与我的成功大有关系。I had nothing to do with the financial side of the company.我和这个公司没有任何财务方面的关系。What are we going to do with the problem?我们将怎样来处理这个问题呢? The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.政府似乎陷入了左右为难的境地,不知道该拿这么多人怎么办。 |