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例句 Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham and Sabrina behind her.苏珊在座位上扭来扭去,直到她看见身后的格雷厄姆和萨布丽娜。He came round and started getting heavy about the money I owed him.他来到我家,开始恶狠狠地向我讨债。Instead of running round like a headless chicken use your efforts in a more productive way.不要像无头苍蝇似的到处乱撞,让你的努力有点成效吧。She's not keen on the idea but we think we can talk her round.她对这个想法不怎么感兴趣,不过我们认为能说服她。He brought the conversation round to her career.他开始转而谈论她的事业。I thought we might have a walk round the town.我本来想我们或许可以绕镇子走走。They huddled round the fire to keep themselves warm.他们围在火旁取暖。He buttoned his collar tightly round his thick neck.他把衣领的扣子扣上,紧紧地裹住了他的粗脖子。Jack always leaves when it's his turn to buy a round.每次轮到杰克请大家喝一杯的时候,他就会走开。He likes to tour in companies that go round the country.他喜欢参加流动剧团的巡回演出。She positioned the chairs round the dining table.她在餐桌四周摆上椅子。The Chandler twins were coming round to the same opinion.钱德勒家的这对双胞胎也最终统一了意见。My working days were spent mooning round his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter.上班时我在他的部门转来转去,暗中寻找巧遇他的机会。The photo shows four men grouped round a jeep.照片上是四个男人围着一辆吉普车。I had to fight back the urge to give the little blighter a clip round the ear.我竭力控制住了自己的冲动,才没有抽这个讨厌的小家伙一个耳光。Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick. I thought she was leaving him, not the other way round.也许是我弄错了,我以为是她要离开他,而不是他要离开她。The policeman clicked the handcuffs round his wrists.警察咔嚓一声用手铐把他的手腕铐上。I'm sure you can run rings round him.我肯定你比他强得多。The first round will be held June 6.第一轮会谈将于六月六日举行。It was agreed that another round of preliminary talks would be held in Peking.经协商,新一轮的预备会谈将在北京举行。The winner got a huge round of applause.获胜者赢得了一阵热烈的掌声。I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I drove my van round Europe, just for the hell of it.我不知道自己想要做什么,于是就开着我的小货车周游了欧洲,只是为了好玩而已。The colours rotated round on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind.圆盘上色彩流转,反射到后面的墙上。A guide will show you round the castle.一位导游会陪你们参观城堡。Friends and neighbours rallied round to help.朋友和邻居都来帮忙了。We'll rush it round today if possible.如果可能的话,我们今天会赶紧把它送过去。Madge bustled round the room, putting things away.玛奇忙着在房间里收拾东西。Soon after dawn there was another round of heavy shelling in the eastern part of the city.天亮不久,城东遭遇另一轮密集的炮火攻击。Be careful to fit the part onto the board the right way round.当心点,要把这一块正面朝外镶到板上去。We see couples with their arms wrapped round each other.我们看见一对对互相拥抱着的情侣。The snake wreathed itself round the farmer.蛇盘绕在农夫身上。Mexicana Airlines has announced cheaper round-trip tickets between Los Angeles and cities it serves in Mexico.墨西哥航空公司已经宣布出售从洛杉矶到墨西哥各城市之间航班的低价往返机票。Joe bought a round of drinks for everyone.乔请所有人喝了一杯。He spent a whole year travelling round Europe.他花了整整一年周游欧洲。Osborne emerged victorious after the second round of voting.经过第二轮投票,奥斯本胜出。She looks round in this dress.她穿著这身衣服显得很丰满。A waiter was handing round freebie glasses of wine.服务生在分发免费的葡萄酒。He was settled cosily in the corner with an arm round Lynda.他被安置在一个温暖舒适的角落里,一只胳膊还搂着琳达。Morale has been low since the latest round of job-cuts.自最近一轮裁员以来,士气一直很低落。That mortgage has been like a millstone round my neck.那笔抵押借款像是套在我脖子上的沉重负担。




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