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词汇 rounded
例句 The mayor rounded on his critics with a very forceful speech.市长突然发表了措词强硬的讲话,回击批评他的人。The carpenter rounded the edges of a board.木匠把板边修圆。As he rounded the curve he saw her standing by the gate.他拐弯的时候看见她站在大门口。I rounded the corner, looking for a place to pull in.我绕过弯角,找地方停靠。He rounded on critics who have been calling for his resignation.他愤然回应那些要他辞职的批评者。We need to take a more rounded view of the issue.我们需要更全面地看待这个问题。Thousands of men were rounded up and jailed.成千上万的人被捕入狱。She rounded up people to play basketball.她找了人来打篮球。She served us a splendid dinner, rounded off with a marvellous orange mousse.她给我们做了一顿丰盛的晚餐,结束时上了一道美味的橘子奶油冻。The army rounded up all the usual suspects.部队围捕了所有惯常的嫌疑人。I rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly.我绕过一个林木茂盛的弯。They rounded up the cattle.他们把牛都赶到了一起。I saw a low rounded hill far across the grassy plain.我看到草原远处有一座低矮的圆顶山丘。He's a very intelligent, rounded person.他是一个头脑聪明、发展全面的人。Her handwriting was neat and rounded.她的字写得整洁而圆润。She rounded a table to sit opposite him.他绕过桌子去坐在他的对面。She has a well-rounded professional background.她具备全面的专业背景。The police rounded up all the suspects.警方围捕了所有嫌犯。The knife had a rounded wooden handle.小刀有一个圆的木制手柄。This rounded the afternoon off perfectly.这使得下午的活动圆满结束。Long picked up a great ball from Campbell and rounded the keeper to score.朗接坎贝尔一记妙传,绕过守门员进球。The stones were then rounded, polished and engraved.接着把石头打圆,磨光,刻上图案。Bodine and Rogers rounded out the list of top finishers.博丁和罗杰斯充实了优胜者名单。They rounded off the evening by singing a song.他们唱了一首歌,圆满结束了这个晚会。The police rounded up a number of suspects.警方围捕了一些嫌疑犯。The end of the wrist bone is capitate, as it is rounded and larger than the rest.腕骨末端呈头状,因为这里比其余部分大且圆。Agents regularly rounded up suspected subversives.特工会定期围捕可疑的破坏分子。My surly adolescent will one day turn into a delightfully rounded human being.我那处在青春期的坏脾气的孩子总有一天会变成一个叫人喜欢的人格健全的成年人。He doesn't use fully rounded characters in his plays - he uses types.他在剧中不用个性丰满的人物——他用的是类型化的人物。Her eyes rounded with excitement.她的眼睛因兴奋而睁得滚圆。We rounded off the day with a picnic.我们以野餐圆满结束了一天的活动。The blocks have rounded edges that are safer for small children.积木的边是圆的,给幼儿玩起来较为安全。She rounded off the meal with some cheese.她最后来了些干酪,这顿饭就吃好了。In its new incarnation, the car has a more rounded body shape.这种车的新款车身外形更加圆润。We watched his car as it rounded the bend and sped off out of sight.我们看着他的汽车转了弯,加速开走直至看不到了。They rounded off their tour of France by a last call at Paris.他们最后访问了巴黎,以此结束他们的法国之游。The novel gives a rounded picture of life as an illegal immigrant in the U.S.这部小说全面描述了一名非法移民在美国的生活状况。The child's eyes rounded with excitement.孩子的眼睛因兴奋而睁得滚圆。Barbara's eyes rounded in surprise.芭芭拉惊讶得眼睛都睁圆了。His face seemed to have rounded out.他的脸看上去变圆了。




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