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词汇 离了婚
例句 They would have married sooner, but they had to wait for her divorce.他们是想马上结婚的,但是他们得先等她离了婚The divorced woman is the talk of the street.那个离了婚的女子成了街头巷尾的话题。They divorced several years ago, but they're still on good terms.他们几年前离了婚,但关系仍然不错。They divorced due to temperamental differences.他们由于性格不合离了婚They divorced during a time when that was barely thinkable.在那个离婚几乎是不可想象的年代里,他们离了婚She divorced her husband on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.她以丈夫行为不合理为由和他离了婚Well, the long and the short of it is that they got divorced last year.唔,总之,他们去年离了婚Pam is a divorcee who has to bring her baby daughter up on her own.帕姆离了婚,只得独自一人抚养出生不久的女儿。For divorced people, Christmas can be a downer.对于离了婚的人来说,圣诞节是个会让人心情沮丧的日子。She is now divorced and, in her usual resourceful way, has started her own business.如今她离了婚。一贯足智多谋的她已开始自己创业。He's had a rough time/month/year, what with the divorce and then his father dying.他刚离了婚,父亲又去世了,那一段时间/一个月/一年对他来说是太难熬了。I was recently divorced and feeling at a very low ebb.我刚离了婚,情绪非常低落。After two years he divorced his wife for desertion.两年后他因欲遗弃妻子而与她离了婚When a divorced woman re-enters the world of dating and romance, she's likely to feel as though she has entered a time warp.当一个离了婚的女人重新进入约会和浪漫的世界时,她很可能有种回到从前的错觉。She divorced him on the grounds of intolerable cruelty.她因无法忍受他的虐待跟他离了婚Most of the divorced parents we interviewed said they had experienced guilt and a profound sense of failure.我们采访的大多数离了婚的家长都说他们感到内疚和强烈的挫败感。She divorced her husband on the grounds of mental cruelty.她以受精神虐待为由与丈夫离了婚She divorced him without rancour.她同他好聚好散地离了婚She thought her troubles would be over once she'd got divorced.她原以为一旦离了婚她的麻烦就会结束。She watched her parents go through an acrimonious divorce.她父母在吵吵闹闹中离了婚,而她目睹了这一过程。Most of the people on the holiday seemed to be divorcees.这次度假的人大部分好像都是离了婚的。After an uncontested divorce, Peggy married Charlie.佩姬平静地离了婚,之后嫁给了查理。




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