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例句 Her parents pleaded that she should be given one more chance.她父母请求再给她一次机会。The rest of the evening will be given up to singing and dancing.晚会的剩余时间是唱歌跳舞。Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race.观看赛马比赛的观众将获得一个与某一匹赛马相对应的号码。Managers must be given clear objectives and insulation from political interference.给经理的目标必须明确,并使他们免受政治干扰。The lucky winner will be given a brand new car.幸运的获胜者将得到一辆全新的小轿车。Many things to habituate, someone said, could be given up.有些专家说,很多成瘾性的行为可以戒除掉。He insisted that he be given control of the business, lock, stock, and barrel.他坚持要对生意全盘掌控。The prison governor has refused to let him go, saying he must first be given authority from his own superiors.监狱长拒绝释放他,说他首先必须得到上级官员的许可。Each request will be given careful consideration.每个要求都会被认真考虑的。The teacher alerted the students that tests would be given the next day.老师提醒学生第二天要进行测验。I was a little disappointed just to be given a B, as I was hoping for an A.得了“良好”我感到有点沮丧,我一直希望得“优秀”。Afree gift will be given to whoever completes the questionnaire.免费礼品将送给填妥调查表的人。Patients will only be given morphine if their medical condition warrants it.只有在病情需要时,病人才可以接受吗啡注射。You will be given three months to pay before you are disconnected.在被切断供应之前你有三个月的时间来付款。I am in agreement with you that she should be given more responsibilities.我同意你的观点,应该让她负更多的责任。Some patients gradually develop a tolerance for the drug and need to be given a larger dose.一些病人对药物逐渐产生了耐药力,需要增大剂量。Any student caught smoking would be given detention immediately.任何学生如被发现吸烟将会立即受到课后留校的处罚。You will be given the unique opportunity to study with one of Europe's top chefs.你将获得千载难逢的机会,向一名欧洲顶级厨师学习。A portion of the donations will be given to the orphanage.部分捐款将分发给孤儿院。Each new student will be given a bus pass. 每名新生都会发给一张公交乘车证。Why should famous people be given special privileges?为什么名人就应该享有特权?They will be given feedback on their performance.他们将收到对他们表现的反馈意见。Children need to be given a sense of security.儿童需要得到安全感。The UN will also be given a loose oversight role.联合国还将被赋予宽泛的监督职责。It has to be given by injection.这种药只能注射。Most people feel that education needs to be given higher priority.大多数人认为教育应该是当务之急。The armed forces would be given sweeping new powers.武装部队将被授予一些新的涉及多方面的权力。Should Vice Presidents be given more authority?应授予副总统更大的权限吗? Advice will be given as a chargeable service.咨询服务将会收费。He will be given his rightful place in the history books.他将会得到恰当的史学评价。If he is caught again he will be given a custodial sentence.如果他再次被捕,将会被处以监禁。People who make mistakes can be given the sack the same day.一犯错误可能当天就会被开除。All new staff should be given computer training.所有新员工都应该接受电脑培训。The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means.有些事将很快让英国人清楚意识到海外作战究竟意味着什么。Workers need to be given an incentive to improve their performance.工人需要外部激励以提高业绩。The statement may be given orally or in writing.这份声明可以口头或书面形式发出。People owning leasehold homes will be given a new right to buy the freehold of their property.房屋租赁者将获得购买所住房产完全保有地产权的新权利。He may not win, but he should at least be given a sporting chance to succeed.他或许赢不了,但至少应当得到一个公平竞争的机会。In choosing men to be given a raise, they passed Mr.Hart by.在选择给哪些人加薪时,他们没考虑哈特先生。It has to be given by injection, usually twice daily.它必须通过注射摄入,通常一天两次。




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