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例句 She argued convincingly that more money should be given to public schools.她据理力争,认为应当增加对公立学校的拨款。Priority will be given to those who apply early.早申请者将获优先考虑。He wants more money to be given to the arts generally.他希望各艺术门类都能得到更多的资金。An extra five points will be given to the team that finishes first.最早完成的队将再加五分。The discussion revolved around the question of how much money should be given to each department.这个讨论围绕着该给各部门多少资金展开。Other things being equal, the job would be given to a woman.如果其他条件都一样,这项工作应该交给女性负责。The report argues convincingly that economic help should be given to these countries.该报告提出有力论据,指出应该给予这些国家经济援助。Aid will be given to areas hardest hit by the flooding.受水灾最严重的地区将会得到援助。A prize will be given to whoever solves the riddle.谁解开这道谜,谁就能获得奖励。More aid should be given to needy families.应当给贫困家庭更多援助。Special parking permits will be given to people with disabilities.将为残疾人发放特殊的停车许可证。Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.应该不带任何附加条件地向发展中国家提供援助。Some thought must be given to the method of validation.一些想法必须通过验证法加以证实。Preference will be given to people with experience.将优先考虑有经验者。Stricter punishments will be given to those convicted of peddling drugs to children.对于向儿童出售毒品的罪犯,将会加重量刑。Afree gift will be given to whoever completes the questionnaire.免费礼品将送给填妥调查表的人。More freedom and choice will be given to parents, and the school opt-outs will be stepped up.家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权,选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。A portion of the donations will be given to the orphanage.部分捐款将分发给孤儿院。Pride of place should be given to the positive characters in a play.剧中的正面人物应该处于显著位置。




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