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词汇 祷告
例句 The occasion called for a special prayer, and its omission was inexcusable.这种场合需要做一个特别的祷告,如果忘了的话将是不可原谅的错误。We pray for the sick and for their families.我们为病人及其家属祷告Our prayers were for ourselves and our families.我们祷告是为了我们的家人和我们自己。Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.出于对他的尊重,在他祷告的时候,我低下了头。The priest ended the service by saying a short prayer.牧师作了个短短的祷告结束了礼拜。Don't forget to say your prayers before you go to sleep.睡觉前别忘了祷告Their heads were bowed in prayer.他们在低头祷告He should consider offering up a prayer to St Lambert.他应当考虑向圣朗贝尔祷告I said a prayer of grateful thanks to God.我做了祷告感谢上帝。The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer.牧师请在场的女士们与他一起祷告The monks here believe strongly in the power of prayer and meditation.此地的僧侣非常相信祷告和冥思的力量。The night was spent in prayer.整个晚上都在祷告Eric, would you like to say grace?埃里克,做餐前祷告好吗?The old woman knelt in prayer for half an hour.老妇人跪着祷告了半个钟点。The services closed with a short prayer.礼拜仪式以简短的祷告结束。He gave himself over to a life of prayer.他一生都在祷告Traditionally these days were set apart for prayer and fasting.传统上,这几天是专门用于祷告和斋戒的。Students are required to attend prayers twice a week.要求学生每周参加两次祷告Their devotion to God is made manifest in ritual prayer.他们对上帝的虔诚在宗教仪式的祷告中明白地显示出来。The shema is still repeated daily by devout Jews the world over.全世界虔诚的犹太教教徒仍每天以施玛篇作祷告The priest gave the blessing and the service ended.牧师做完祈恩祷告,礼拜结束。The people were kneeling in prayer.人们跪地祷告He began his remarks with a prayer.他讲话前先进行了祷告She told the children to say their prayers before they went to sleep.她要孩子们睡前祷告The blessing was said in Hebrew.祷告用的是希伯来语。The minister closed the services with a short prayer.牧师在简短的祷告后宣布宗教仪式结束。She whispered a silent prayer that her wounded brother would not die.她默默地祷告,希望她受伤的兄弟不会死去。Much can be achieved through prayer.很多愿望都能通过祷告实现。His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept and prayed.他母亲把他叫到跟前训斥了一番,又哭哭啼啼地向上帝祷告He was a firm believer in the power of prayer.他对祷告的力量笃信无疑。The minister spread his hands abroad and prayed.牧师摊开双手作祷告The synagogue is used for prayer and study.犹太教堂用于祷告和学经。For the first time in his life, Yossarian prayed.约塞连这辈子第一次做了祷告She offered a silent prayer of thanks for her family's safety.她默默做了祷告,感谢自己的家人安然无恙。Leo, will you say grace?利奥,你来做饭前祷告吧?Prayer in schools has become a front-and-center issue.学校中的祷告已经成为了中心问题。He offered a brief prayer for divine guidance.他作了简短的祷告以求神的指引。They were forbidden to talk during prayers.祷告中他们禁止交谈。He told them to kneel, then began to say a prayer.他叫他们跪下,然后开始祷告There's little else to do now but hope and pray.除了祈望和祷告外现在没什么可以做的。




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