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词汇 期刊
例句 The results of the study were published in a respected peer-reviewed journal.该研究的成果发表在一份颇有威望的同行评审期刊上。The public feeds on these periodicals.公众以这些期刊为精神食粮。In the library's north wing, you'll find the current periodicals.在图书馆的北翼楼,你能看到最新的期刊The Journals contain accounts of literary composition.期刊》中刊有文学创作的报道。The publishers planned to produce the journal on a weekly basis.出版者计划将该期刊定为周刊。The periodical has rigid guidelines for submissions.这份期刊对于来稿有严格标准。I love the morsels of gossip that float around the tabloids and periodicals.我喜欢读小报和期刊上流传的那些八卦消息。All papers submitted to the journal undergo a process of peer review.提交给该期刊的所有论文均需经过同行评审这一步。All work by current students is eligible for inclusion in the journal.凡在校学生的作品均可在本期刊发表。Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month subscription to the journal?这本期刊你想订满一年吗?He caught up on months of unread periodicals.他读完了数月之内出的没读的期刊Her papers have appeared in several different scientific journals.她的论文发表在几家不同的科学期刊上。His work received only a tiny mention in the journal; he deserves better.他的作品在期刊上只是被一笔带过;他理应得到更多笔墨。A magazine recently ranked the school as one of the best in the country.一家期刊最近将这所学校评定为全国最好的学校之一。The walls would be lined with books and periodicals.这几面墙会摆放书籍和期刊You could put an advert in some magazine, journal, newspaper, or whatever.你可以在某个杂志、期刊、报纸什么的上面登个广告。Ten scientists contributed to the special edition of the journal.十位科学家为这家期刊的专刊撰文。He published widely in scientific journals.他在科学期刊上广泛发表文章。The journal reports that eating whole grains protects against diabetes.这家期刊报道说吃全麦食品可预防糖尿病。Concrete particularity is the stuff and strength of History Workshop.具体、准确是《历史研讨》期刊历来的特征和强项。All our results are published in scientific journals.我们的所有成果都刊登在科学期刊上。Magazines, newspapers, journals, and so forth are on the second floor of the library.杂志、报纸、期刊等都在图书馆的二层。The report had been published in an obscure German journal.这篇报道被登在一本名不见经传的德国期刊上。




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