例句 |
They were whacked-out on drugs.他们吸毒吸得神志恍惚。He was whacked-out on speed, jabbering a mile a minute and making no sense at all.他吸了安非他明,神志恍惚,嘴里连珠炮似的不知在说些什么。The guy playing lead guitar was completely stoned.那个首席吉他手吸毒后彻底神志恍惚了。When the realization hit her, she just sat there looking dazed.她猛然清醒过来,就坐在那里,显得神志恍惚。They were strung out on heroin.他们吸了海洛因后神志恍惚。In a dream I saw them off at the door. Then I sat down to wait for the morning.我神志恍惚地把他们送到门口,然后坐下来等待早晨的来临。 |