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词汇 研究显示
例句 The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime.研究显示贫穷和犯罪有关联。DiPietro's research shows that an active lifestyle can delay the onset of many diseases common with aging.迪彼得罗的研究显示积极的生活方式能够推迟许多老年常见病的出现。The study revealed that Asian youngsters are streaking ahead in the race to get into university.研究显示,亚洲年轻人在争取入读大学的竞争中遥遥领先。A new study shows that fewer students are studying science.一项新的研究显示,学理科的学生减少了。The study indicates that human aggression is partly mediated by biological factors.研究显示人的攻击性部分是受生物因素影响的。Studies say exposure to loud continuous noise can cause learning disabilities and behavioral problems in children.研究显示,持续的吵闹噪音可以导致儿童发生学习障碍和行为问题。The study shows that large inequalities still exist between men and women.研究显示男女之间依然存在很大程度的不平等。New studies show that moderate drinking is good for you.最新的研究显示适量饮酒对健康有益。Research shows that young people without jobs are most likely to turn to crime.研究显示,无业的年轻人更易走上犯罪道路。Recent studies show that girls tend to be better at languages than boys.最近的一些研究显示,女孩子在语言方面往往强于男孩子。Recent research has shown that human language is much older than we previously thought.最近的一个研究显示,人类语言的历史比我们原来想的要悠久得多。Studies show that people are not powerless to prevent heart disease.研究显示人们对预防心脏疾病并不是无计可施。Recent studies show that many people who think they are suffering from bowel disease might in fact be lactose-intolerant.最近的研究显示许多认为自己肠道有问题的人其实是对乳糖不耐受。The research showed an association between diet and various diseases.研究显示饮食与多种疾病之间存在着联系。Research indicates that the drug can be harmful to pregnant women.研究显示,这种药物可对孕妇造成伤害。Studies of dolphins have shown that they are able to communicate information to each other.对海豚的研究显示它们相互之间能传递信息。Recent studies have shown that women find it harder than men to give up smoking.最近的研究显示女性戒烟比男性难。A detailed examination of population statistics reveals a steady decline in the birth rate.对人口统计数据所作的详细研究显示,出生率在稳步下降。The research showed a qualitative difference between the two teaching methods. 研究显示了两种教学方法有质的差异。Some studies have shown that the success of students correlates negatively with the number of students in a class. 一些研究显示,学生成功与否与班级人数多少呈负相关。Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of artificial sweetener and cancer.一些研究显示某些人造甜味剂可能会致癌。The study shows that only-children tend to be high achievers in school.这个研究显示,独生子女往往是学校里成绩突出的人。Preliminary market research has shown that most Americans prefer environmentally-friendly products.初步的市场研究显示大部分美国人愿意选用对环境无害的产品。The research suggests we only use a small portion of our brains at any one time.该项研究显示,任何时候我们都只使用了脑子的一小部分。Studies have shown that there is a greater likelihood of teenagers having car accidents.研究显示,十几岁的青少年发生车祸的可能性更高。The study reveals very substantial differences between population groups.研究显示不同人群之间存在着相当大的差异。Studies show that if screen workers have short but frequent breaks they become much more productive.研究显示坐在电脑屏幕前工作的人如果经常有短时间休息,他们的工作效率就会提高许多。




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