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词汇 cordon
例句 The army had thrown a security cordon around the hotel.部队在旅馆周围布置了警戒线。Protesters tried to break through a police cordon.抗议者们试图冲破警察的封锁线。Police officers threw a cordon around his car to protect him.警察在他汽车周围设置了防卫圈以保护他。A line of tractors rumbled onto the motorway through a cordon of police.一列拖拉机突破了警戒线,隆隆响着驶上了高速公路。A large cordon of troops and police held them back.大批军警组成的警戒线将他们挡住了。She is, amongst her many competences, a cordon bleu cook.她除了能胜任多种工作外,还是一位第一流的厨师。The crowd managed to break through the police cordon.人群设法冲出了警方的封锁线。Police formed a cordon between the two crowds.警察在两群人之间拉起了警戒线。The miners were armed with clubs as they forced their way through a police cordon.矿工们手持大头棒强行闯过警戒线。A cordon of police kept protesters away from the building.警察站成一排将抗议者拦在建筑物外面。A cordon of police struggled to keep back onlookers and relatives desperate for news.警察设置警戒线努力挡回围观人群和急切等待消息的亲属。NATO was accused of trying to throw a cordon sanitaire around Russia.有指责称北约试图封锁俄罗斯。I took a cordon bleu cookery course.我上了高级烹饪课程。One of these gunmen pierced the protective cordon around the President's house.其中一个持枪人突破了总统住房周围的警戒线。The security forces have formed a cordon around the apartment.安全部队在公寓周围设置了警戒线。Some protesters managed to break through the police cordon.一些抗议者冲破了警察的警戒线。A police cordon prevented the marchers from entering the main square.警察设置的警戒线阻止了游行者进入主广场。There is a tight security cordon around the area.这一地区周围设有严密的安全警戒圈。




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