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词汇 矛盾
例句 There is an apparent contradiction between the needs of workers and those of employers.工人的需要同雇主的需要之间存在明显的矛盾Leigh's response was ambivalent.莉的反应很矛盾She remains conflicted about Hank.她对汉克的感情仍然很矛盾By a curious paradox, the team became less motivated the more games it won.这个队赢的场次越多越没有动力,真是一个奇怪的矛盾She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the Irish conflict.她从来没有真正认识到爱尔兰矛盾的深刻和激烈。The problem puts us at cross-purposes with them.这问题使我们对他们产生了矛盾The opposition has been fractured by bitter disputes.反对党被激烈的矛盾闹得分崩离析。The rift within the organization reflects the growing bitterness of the dispute.组织内部严重失和反映出矛盾日趋升级。Paradoxically, the less you have to do the more you may resent the work that does come your way.矛盾的是,你手头的事越少,一旦有工作落在头上,你就越会愤愤不平。O'Brien's later statement contradicted what he had told Somerville police on the night of the murder.奥布赖恩后来的陈述与发生谋杀当晚他对萨默维尔警方所说的有矛盾The problem with his partner was something he mentioned only incidentally.他与合伙人的矛盾只是他不经意间提到的。That's in direct contradiction to what he said yesterday.这一说法同他昨天所说的有直接矛盾He has an ambivalent relationship with his family.他和家人的关系很矛盾Defence counsel looks for inconsistency between witness statements.被告律师在证人的证词中寻找有矛盾的地方。The anarchists' attitude to violence is so often equivocal and subjective.无政府主义者对于暴力的态度往往是矛盾而又主观的。Ethnic tensions are an old problem here.种族矛盾是该地区由来已久的问题。The fundamental dilemma remains: in a tolerant society, should we tolerate intolerance?基本的矛盾仍未消除:在宽容的社会里,我们应不应该容忍狭隘 ?The results of the study are at odds with our previous findings.研究的结果与我们以前调查的结果有矛盾We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child.我们两人对于生孩子这件事心情都有点矛盾Most of us have an ambivalent attitude towards technology.我们当中大部分人对技术持一种矛盾的态度。He argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.他认为各种家庭问题通常都反映出家庭内部存在一些有待解决的矛盾She feels a profound ambivalence about her origins.她对自己的出身深感矛盾She was prey to all kinds of conflicting emotions.她受着各种矛盾情感的折磨。There's a basic contradiction in the whole idea of paying for justice.用金钱换取公正这一想法存在着一个基本的矛盾You'll need to resolve the conflict between your parents' plans for you and your own ambitions.你需要调和父母为你做的规划和你自己的理想间的矛盾This is an irreconcilable conflict.这是一个不可调和的矛盾The senator is ambivalent about running for president. 这位参议员对是否竞选总统感到很矛盾How do they cope with the conflicting demands of work and family life?他们怎样平衡工作需求和家庭生活需求之间的矛盾Such contradictions are inherent to the entire legislation.这样的矛盾是整个立法体系中所固有的。Some saw it, perversely, as a victory.有些人将其视为一场胜利,这似乎很矛盾His inner conflict is related to struggles in the outer world.他内心的矛盾和外部世界的争斗有关系。The life we have built together is more important than any minor niggle we might have.我们共同营造的生活要比我们可能会有的任何小矛盾重要得多。He spoke ambivalently about his feelings for his family.他带着矛盾的心情诉说自己对家人的感情。There is always a contest between the management and the unions.管理层与工会之间总是有矛盾的。Contradictions in approaches to childcare should be minimized to achieve greater congruence.应该尽量减少儿童保育方法中的矛盾以实现更好的统一。They have come into conflict, sometimes violently.他们产生了矛盾,有时矛盾还非常激烈。The lawsuit was lost because of discrepancies in the statements of the witnesses.由于证人提供的证词出现多处矛盾,官司败诉了。I came home from the meeting with mixed feelings.会议结束后,我怀着矛盾的心情回了家。The evidence in this case is a morass of contradictions and confusion. I defy anyone to accurately review it.该案的证据是一团乱麻,而且充满矛盾。我敢肯定没有人能准确无误地复审这个案件。The court attempted to reach a conclusion in the face of contradictory evidence.面对矛盾的证据,法庭试图得出一个结论。




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