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词汇 着眼
例句 The puppy was winking in the bright sun.小狗在明亮的阳光下眨着眼In my political work I try to concentrate on the big picture and not be distracted by details.在我的政治工作中,我试着着眼大局,而不是为枝节而分心。I can drive that route in my sleep.我开车走那条路闭着眼都能过去。I could drive home with my eyes shut.我可以闭着眼开车回家。She could bake those cookies in her sleep.她闭着眼也能把饼干烘烤好。She lay on the bed, her eyes closed and her bosom palpitating.她躺在床上,闭着眼,胸部起伏不定。The trick is to think small.窍门在于小处着眼I could do that journey with my eyes shut.去那儿太容易了,我闭着眼都能到。He stared in confusion and disbelief.他茫然而疑惑地瞪着眼By focusing on quality rather than price, Bangalore's firms hope to secure higher profit margins.班加罗尔市的公司从质量而不从价格着眼,希望获得更高的利润。During my whole report, he sat with his eyes closed and his fingers interlaced.在我作报告的整个过程中,他就闭着眼、十指交叉坐在那儿。She listened to the music with her eyes shut.她闭着眼听音乐。Dan turned away, hiding the fear in his eyes.丹扭过头去,掩饰着眼中的恐惧。




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