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词汇 politician
例句 The politician gave a fiery speech.那政客作了一次激昂的演讲。The Ukrainian politician poses the most potent threat to the country's ruling elite.这位乌克兰政治家对本国的上层统治者构成了最强有力的威胁。The politician was knocked off his pedestal by his daughter's statements.这位政客由于女儿的一席谈话而不再受人敬重。When a politician talks about raising taxes, he's on dangerous ground. 当一名从政者谈及增加税收时,他是在自找麻烦,引火烧身。A former politician has been appointed Chancellor of the university.一位昔日的政治人物被委任为大学校长。She is a traditional liberal politician.她是一位典型的自由派政治家。He's an old-fashioned politician who is seen by many of his colleagues as an anachronism.他是个老派的政治家,许多同事觉得他和时代格格不入。The scandal washed him up as a politician.丑闻断送了他的政治生涯。Neither of the front-runners in the presidential election is a mainstream politician.总统选举中的两位领先者都不是主流政治家。The speaker referred to him as an up-and-coming politician.演讲者称他是一位有为的政治新秀。He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician.他缺乏一位资深政治家所应具备的敏锐头脑和眼光。He is widely regarded as Hungary's most skilful politician.他是公认的匈牙利最有手腕的政治家。I should say in fairness to him, that he's quite a shrewd politician.我应当公正地说,他是一个相当精明的政客。He crossed paths with a youthful politician named Henry Adam.他遇见一位名叫亨利·亚当的年轻有为的政治家。The politician wants to use the media to shift public opinion.那位政客想利用媒体改变舆论。That word is a coinage based on the name of a politician.那是个根据一位政治家的名字新造的词。Not even the cleverest politician could put a positive spin on this.即使是最聪明的政治家也无法粉饰这件事。This is a politician who does not like to balance market forces.这是一个不喜欢平衡市场力量的政治人物。He is an exemplar of this new breed of politician.他是新型政治人物的典范。He came out of the closet, becoming Ottawa's first openly gay politician.他承认自己是同性恋,成了渥太华第一个公开的同性恋政治家。A scrupulous politician would not lie about her business interests.一个光明磊落的政治家并不会隐瞒自己的职务权益。The politician needs training in voice projection.政治家需要进行发音控制的训练。Hargreaves is a clever and ambitious politician.哈格里夫斯是个聪明、有抱负的政治家。The scandal destroyed his career as a politician.这件丑闻毁了他的政治生涯。He has earned a reputation as a stern and unbending politician.作为政治家,他以强硬和不妥协而闻名。Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician.那些熟悉桑德斯的人称他为高明的政治家。As a politician, you have to show resilience - the ability to remain steadfast in your beliefs.作为一名政治家,你必须表现出不屈不挠的性格,即坚持自己信念的能力。The politician carried his hearers along with his speech.政治家的讲演深深吸引着听众。If a politician transgresses, that is not the fault of the media.如果政客行为失检,那可不是媒体的责任。He was a politician of the old school.他是个老派政客。A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters.机敏的政客懂得如何操纵自己的支持者。She is a consummate politician.她是个高明的政治家。Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician.官员称他们没有在这位政治家的尸体上发现暴力侵犯的痕迹。He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.他是个著名的激进改革者/思想家/政治家。The politician's blooper was shown on every TV channel.每个电视频道都播放了这个政治家出的洋相。She's an experienced politician with a rough-hewn style.她是一个有经验的政治家,但格调粗犷。He was a tough politician who wasn't afraid to speak his mind.他是个强硬的政治家,不怕说出自己的想法。As a politician she's made the fight for women's rights into a personal crusade.作为政治家,她把争取妇女权利的斗争发展成了一场个人运动。Although regularly pilloried by the press as an obnoxious loudmouth, he is, nonetheless, an effective politician.尽管经常被新闻媒体辱骂为说话不中听的讨厌鬼,但他毕竟还是个有影响力的政客。Such dissembling from a politician is nothing new.政治家的这种掩饰一点也不新鲜。




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