例句 |
Is that Picasso an original?那是毕加索的真迹吗?The signature is genuine. 这个签名是真迹。The letter is certainly authentic.这封信肯定是真迹。If it is a genuine Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions.如果这幅画是米开朗琪罗的真迹,它的售价将会达数百万。The painting has been authenticated as an original.这幅画已被证明是真迹。That painting is a copy, but this one is the real McCoy.那幅油画是摹本,这幅才是真迹。They're convinced the painting is genuine.他们确信那幅画是真迹。The painting has been authenticated by experts.这幅画专家鉴定为真迹。A whole batch of original drawings will be on sale.一整批绘画真迹都将出售。Experts have confirmed that the signature on the letter is authentic.专家已经证实这封信的签名是真迹。If the artist signed the painting, it must be genuine.如果画家在画上署了名,这幅画必定是真迹。I asked him if the pictures were fakes, but he said they were real.我问他这些画是不是赝品,但他说都是真迹。Experts who examined the painting believe it is genuine.检验过那幅画的专家都认为它是真迹。I'd seen pictures of the painting, but it was very different seeing the real thing.我见过这幅画的照片,但和看真迹简直有天壤之别。I should point out that not one of these paintings is original.我必须指出,这些画没有一幅是真迹。The signature has been authenticated.这个签名已被鉴定为真迹。For years people thought the picture was a genuine Van Gogh, but in fact it's a fake.多年来人们都以为这幅画是梵高的真迹,但它实际上是赝品。The certificate attests the authenticity of the painting.鉴定书证明这幅画是真迹。 |