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词汇 的房子
例句 Our house is very central, so we can easily get around.我们的房子地处正中心,所以我们出行很方便。I was screaming at them to get out of my house.我大喊大叫着让他们滚出我的房子He drove past darkened houses.他开车经过黑着灯的房子Our house sat next to a stream.我们的房子坐落在一条小溪边。The main street was edged on both sides with dirty, decaying buildings.那条主要街道的两边都是些肮脏、破败的房子Their house is on Maple Lane.他们的房子在枫树巷。The real estate agent showed them house after house, but they couldn't find one they liked.房地产经纪人带他们看了一处又一处的房子,可他们就是找不到自己喜欢的。Samantha lives in a very grand house.萨曼莎住在一座非常气派的房子里。Julia has a nice house, but it's nothing to Leila's.朱莉娅有栋不错的房子,但不能与利拉的房子相媲美。Old buildings were knocked down, and new apartments and townhouses built.的房子拆了,建起了新的公寓和联体住宅。My house is insured against fire.的房子已保了火险。Their houses were at opposite ends of the street.他们的房子分别位于这条街道的两端。Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes.吉妮西丝录制了一首歌来抨击那些买下人们的房子并将其拆毁的贪婪的房地产开发商。Did you find a buyer for your house?的房子找到买主了吗?Our house is the last but one.我们的房子是倒数第二座。She wants a house with a large kitchen.她想要一座带大厨房的房子A ring of police has been thrown around the building where the gunman is hiding.一队警察把藏着枪手的房子团团围住。He'll look for bargains after the real estate market shakes out.等到房地产市场稳定下来之后,他要去找找便宜的房子Jane has her own house on a neat housing estate in the south-east.简在东南面一个环境整洁的住宅区里有自己的房子They took care of a ten-room house without help.他们没请任何人帮忙,自己打理着一栋十居室的房子Their house was nicer before it was tarted up.他们的房子以前没装饰得这么花里胡哨,倒是更好看些。Compared to our small flat, Bill's house seemed like a palace.和我们的小公寓相比,比尔的房子就像是宫殿。Students are not allowed on school property outside of school hours.学生不准在非上课期间进入学校的房子They moved to a house with lots of storage space.他们搬到了一栋有很大贮存空间的房子里。Their house is brown and ours is gray.他们的房子是棕色的,我们的是灰色的。They expect us to live in a smaller house and pay more money for the privilege.他们指望我们住更小的房子并为这样的优待付更多的钱。The sound echoed hollowly through the tall empty house.声音在高大空荡的房子里发出空洞的回声。Braka's house, just off Sloane Square, is a testament to his Gothic tastes.布拉卡那幢紧靠斯隆广场的房子是他喜好哥特式建筑的一个证据。Houses like this don't come cheap.这样的房子都不便宜。The layout of your house and garden can deter crime.的房子和花园的布局可预防他人行凶作恶。A large house like this must be expensive to heat.像这么大的房子取暖费一定很不少。Why, one may ask, would someone want to burn down their own house?可能有人会问,为什么有些人想要烧掉自己的房子My home caught fire and everything in it was destroyed.的房子失火了,里面所有东西都烧没了。How much does a house like that cost in America?那样的房子在美国要多少钱?Police are still trying to trace the occupants of the house which was destroyed by fire.警方仍在追查被焚毁的房子里的住户。The house opposite is a new one.对面的房子是新的。He broke into the old man's house and bludgeoned him with a hammer.他闯进了老人的房子,用铁锤猛击老人。Their family home and possessions were destroyed in the fire.他们家的房子和财产都在大火中被烧毁了。Their house is a real pigpen.他们的房子可真脏。She lived on her own in rented accommodation.她独自一人居住在租来的房子里。




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