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词汇 的信件
例句 Her letters afford a clue to her intentions.对于她的意图她的信件提供了一条线索。I must protest in the strongest of terms at the abbreviation of my letter.我必须对删减我的信件内容的行为做出最强烈的抗议。They made a hurried search for the missing letters, but they couldn't find them.他们匆匆找了一下那些遗失的信件,但没找到。The missing letter eventually turned up inside a book.遗失的信件最后突然在一本书里找到了。His secretary put his mail in his in tray.他的秘书将他的信件放到收文盘内。Letters showered on him in praise and protest.表示赞扬和抗议的信件雪片似地向他飞来。We have received torrents of letters/requests/criticism.我们收到了潮水般涌来的信件/请求/批评。My correspondence happens to be rigidly controlled.的信件恰巧受到严格控制。I am sustained by letters of support.鼓励的信件支撑着我。He's such a snoop - he's always going through my mail.他真是窥探成癖——总是偷看我的信件The drawers were jam-packed with old letters.抽屉里塞满了以前的信件We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer's name and address.我们只能刊登附有作者姓名和地址的信件We've been almost buried under the avalanche of letters.我们几乎给雪片般飞来的信件淹没了。I am sustained by letters of support and what people say to me in ordinary daily life.这些支持的信件和人们每天对我的鼓励一直支撑着我。I acted upon your letter at once.我立刻依据你的信件采取了行动。The newspaper received many angry letters in reaction to the editorial.报社收到了很多对这篇社论表示气愤的信件Letters and cards of support have been pouring in by the sackful.声援的信件和卡片成袋成袋地涌来。I can't believe she's been reading our mail. How infuriating!我真不敢相信,她竟然偷看我们的信件,真是气人!The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.报社认为刊登我的信件不合适。The assortment of so many letters would take a long time.把这么多的信件分类需要很长的时间。She answered my letter with remarkable speed.她飞快地回复了我的信件Letters and rare maps are handsomely reproduced in the book.那本书中的信件和珍贵地图复制得很精美。He received a flood of letters from irate constituents.他收到愤怒的选区居民洪水般涌来的信件Hundreds of letters inundated the office.成百上千的信件涌进办公室。The correspondence has been backing up for several days.待处理的信件已经积压了好几天。No letters survive from this early period.早期的信件并没有保留下来。Her comment brought forth a torrent of angry letters.她的评论招致大量愤怒指责的信件潮水般涌来。Her book was based on her ex-husband's letters and yet his name did not even appear in the acknowledgements.她的书是以她前夫的信件为基础写成的,但他的名字甚至没有出现在鸣谢辞中。She received countless letters of support while in jail.在狱中她收到了不计其数支持她的信件Letters of support have been pouring in since we began our appeal.自从我们发出呼吁之后,表示支持的信件纷至沓来。Please redirect my letters to my new house.请把我的信件改寄到我的新住所。He was leafing through piles of correspondence.他正在迅速翻阅一摞摞的信件Our letters crossed in the mail. 寄给我们俩的信件在邮递途中寄串了。He waded into the morning's mail.他精神饱满地开始处理早晨的信件I adjoin a copy of my client's letter.我附了一份我客户的信件Her letters record the details of diplomatic life.的信件记述了外交生活的点点滴滴。A bundle of letters had arrived for me in my absence.我不在期间来了一堆寄给我的信件The letters that were shown during his trial turned out to be forgeries.在他受审期间出示的信件结果证明是伪造的。A secretary came in twice a week to deal with his correspondence.一个秘书每周来两次处理他的信件Letters of complaint flooded in.投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。




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