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词汇 痛快
例句 I had the satisfaction of proving him wrong.我终于证实是他错了,真是痛快Nothing makes me feel more relaxed than a nice hot bath.什么也比不上洗个痛快的热水澡更能让我感到放松。I haven't had this much fun since I was a kid.我长大后就没玩得这么痛快过。She felt better for having said it.她说了之后感到痛快一些。The party gave us all a chance to really let our hair down.聚会给了我们一个痛快玩乐的机会。The charity ball is a chance to kick up your heels and help a good cause.慈善舞会是既让人玩得痛快又帮着做好事的一次机会。We enjoyed ourselves at the dance.在舞会上我们玩得很痛快They enjoy themselves drinking wine, smoking and playing cards.他们又是喝酒抽烟,又是打牌,玩得很痛快The dog can run to its heart's content out there.这条狗可以在外面跑个痛快There's nothing like a cool swim on a hot day.大热天游个凉快泳最痛快了。A little group of older people were chanting the old favourites out of tune and out of unison but never out of sorts.一小群老人在唱着他们喜爱的老歌曲,虽然音走调,声不齐,但唱得很痛快They had a good time, but I was not in it.他们玩得很痛快,可没我的份儿。 Do you get your jollies from wasting money on things you don't need?你在自己并不需要的东西上面浪费钱,真的觉得痛快吗?We had a fabulous time at the garden party.我们在游园会上玩得很痛快He enjoyed life on the ranch.他在牧场日子过得很痛快We went on a tour of the city's bars and had a rare old time.我们在城中逛了一家又一家酒吧,喝得痛快极了。We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在聚会上玩得很痛快I've been slaving away all day while you've been out enjoying yourself.我一整天都在拼命地干活,而你却在外面痛快玩乐。They've all been having a whale of a time these last few days.最近几天他们都玩得很痛快We had a tremendous time on the beach.我们在海滩上玩得很痛快We had a whale of a time on holiday.我们在假日里玩得极为痛快Their idea of a good time is to go out and get drunk.他们所想的玩得痛快是指出去喝个烂醉。It's been years since I enjoyed myself so much as last night.我已经很多年没有像昨晚那么痛快了。Work hard and play hard, that's my motto.努力工作痛快玩,这是我的座右铭。I was out on the tiles last night and I've got such a headache this morning.昨晚我出去玩了个痛快,可今天早晨头痛得要命。Thanks for taking us camping - Miranda had a blast!谢谢你带我们去露营一米兰达玩得很痛快We had a hell of a time on holiday last year.我们去年度假时玩得很痛快This was sweet revenge for our defeat earlier in the season.本赛季早些时候我们输给了对手,这次可算是个令人痛快的复仇。Everyone had a ball at the party.每个人在派对上都玩得很痛快Her motto is "Work hard, play hard".她的座右铭是“努力工作,痛快玩乐”。A thumping good time was had by all.大家都玩得痛快极了。




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