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词汇 wise to
例句 It is not wise to hem out the dissidents.排斥异己者并不是明智的做法。It's wise to check whether the flight times have changed before you leave for the airport.出发去机场之前核实一下航班时间是否有变化,这是明智的做法。After their break-up, she thought it was wise to keep her distance.他们分手后,她觉得保持疏远是明智之举。You'd be wise to pay more attention.你应该要加倍注意。It is wise to renew your water filter every month, even though it may seem to be working satisfactorily.滤水器可能看上去用得很好,但每月更换一下还是明智的。It's wise to take a fully charged spare battery with you.随身带一块充满电的备用电池是明智之举。Someone put the police wise to the plan of the bank robbers.有人向警方告发了银行抢劫犯们的计划。It would be wise to discuss this with your bank manager.与你的银行经理讨论一下这件事将会是很明智的。I didn't think it wise to proffer an opinion.我认为提出意见是不明智的。The police parked an empty patrol car there to reduce speeding, but drivers got wise to it pretty quickly.警察将一辆无人的巡逻车停在那里来减少超速驾驶,但驾驶者很快就识破了这一招。He felt it wise to send an escort with the group.他觉得派一队人护送那批人比较明智。Common sense dictates that it would be wise to sell a few shares.由常识可知卖掉一些股票是明智的。We don't wish to alarm people unnecessarily, but it would be wise to avoid drinking the tap water here.我们不是有意要吓人,不过最好不要喝这里的自来水。Dealers have already got wise to the trend and increased their prices accordingly.交易商已经摸清了动向,相应抬高了价格。I think you were wise to leave when you did.我认为你当时走掉很明智。It's not always wise to humor a small child.迁就小孩子不总是明智的。Is it wise to go out in this treacherous weather?在这种变化莫测的天气里外出明智吗?You were wise to give up smoking.你戒了烟,这是明智的。If you have not kept a pet parrot before, it would be wise to purchase a handbook on the subject.如果以前没有养过鹦鹉,最好买一本相关的饲养手册。It isn't wise to be too clever. Sometimes you overreach yourself.太精明未必好,有时会弄巧成拙。Blair would be wise to listen to some of the dissenting voices in his party.布莱尔要是能够听一听党内某些反对的声音那就聪明了。It's not wise to risk traveling so soon after surgery.手术后没多久就冒险旅行是不明智的。It is wise to conform to local practices.入乡随俗是明智之举。It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage.先填上一层利于排水的砾石是个明智的做法。It is not wise to murmur at adversity.抱怨时运不济是不明智的。Once you have children, it's wise to plan ahead.一旦有了孩子,为将来计划是明智的。It is wise to wear conservative dress to an interview.面试时衣着保守是明智之举。It might be wise to keep an eye on your son.照看好你的儿子或许是明智的。It is wise to preorder very special dishes when making your reservation.在预定餐馆座位时,事先把特色菜订好是明智的。I think it's wise to avoid such a highly contentious topic/issue at a dinner party.我认为在宴会上避开这样一个颇具争议的话题/问题是明智的。It might be wise to proceed cautiously.谨慎前行也许是明智之举。It is wise to be prepared.做好准备是明智的。Commonsense now dictates that it would be wise to sell a few shares.现在,常识告诉我们卖掉一些股票是明智的。It isn't wise to go swimming on a full stomach.吃饱了去游泳是很不明智的。Kerry's parents got wise to her tricks.克里的父母识破了她的把戏。The police are finally getting wise to how drug dealers work.警方终于发现了毒品贩子的活动方式。He told me I'd better get wise to what was happening.他对我说最好了解一下正在发生的事。People are getting wise to the tricks politicians use in campaign advertisements.人们逐渐意识到政客们在竞选宣传中使用的把戏。It would be wise to include plenty of mineral rich foods in your diet.多吃富含矿物质的食物有益身体。I've got wise to his tricks, he can't cheat me any more.我已经识破了他的诡计,他再也骗不了我了。




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