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词汇 wished
例句 One source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he had seen the woman go into his room.有个不愿透露姓名的人说,他看到那女人进了他的房间。I was frightened my parents would get divorced, and wished that there was something I could do to make them happy again.我害怕父母会离婚,希望我能做些什么使他们和好如初。He wished them a fond farewell.他与他们依依惜别。He found it hard to resist her blandishments and almost always ended up doing as she wished.他觉得难以抵挡她的甜言蜜语,到最后几乎总是遂了她的心愿。I wished her luck for the future.我祝她未来走运。Claire wished she'd primed Sarah beforehand.克莱尔多么希望她事先告知过萨拉。I wished him well with his new venture.我祝他的新企业成功。Our parents wished us a safe journey as we drove away.我们驱车而去的时候,父母祝我们一路平安。I wished her a safe journey and waved her off.我祝她旅途平安,并与她挥手道别。If guests wished to use the sofa, they had first to navigate around chairs in the middle of the room.如果客人想坐沙发,他们得先绕过屋中间的那几把椅子。He wished he was more muscular.他希望自己更强壮些。I heartily wished that I had stayed at home.我真心地希望自己当时待在家里。She's wished her two children on me, while she goes for a trip to London.她把她的两个孩子塞给我,自己却动身去了伦敦。We have all wished for men who are more considerate.我们都曾祈求能找到更加体贴的男人。She messaged him saying she wished they were together.她发短信告诉他希望他俩能在一起。I wished I had said nothing about Jordi.我真希望当时关于乔迪什么意见也没发表。He felt unequal to the job and wished there were someone he could go to for advice.他感觉难以胜任这项工作,希望有人能给点建议。Her utterances were wreathed in hidden significance interpreted according to what the listener wished to hear.她的话语充满了隐含意义,可按照听者希望听到的来解读。When I was a child, I wished I could have a polka-dot dress.但我是小孩子的时候,我希望拥有一条有圆点花纹的裙子。Mary Ann wished he would just drop it.玛丽·安希望他就不要谈论它了。He wished that he could make himself invisible.他希望自己能够隐身。She wished to have a house built, and to this end she hired a local architect.她希望建所房子,因此请了一个本地的建筑师。If they were captured, they wished to die, believing that they would go to paradise.如果被捕,他们希望去死,因为他们相信自己能够上天堂。Studying his face in the bathroom mirror he wished he had more definite features.看着浴室镜子中的脸,他真希望自己的五官能够更分明一些。It was obvious to the two children that their parents wished to be alone.父母想要独处,这对两个孩子而言是显而易见的。Grandmother felt free to order her about just as she wished.奶奶毫不客气地随意支使她。He wished to marry but could find no one who would have him.他想结婚,但找不到愿意嫁给他的人。I wished that I'd kept my mouth shut.我真希望自己什么也没说。She wished to assert her independence from her parents.她希望能够坚持不依赖父母。The crowd wished them well as they left for their honeymoon.他们动身去度蜜月时,人们祝愿他们一切如意。He wished to live in amity with his neighbour.他希望与邻居和睦相处。She wished to work on her novel in solitude.她希望能独处以写小说。She wished now that she had not agreed to go to the party.现在她真希望自己没同意去参加聚会。I wished everyone a very happy holiday season.我祝大家假期快乐!She wished she had naturally curly hair.她希望自己的头发是自然卷儿。With a minimum of fuss, she produced the grandson he had so desperately wished for.几乎没费什么周折,她就生了一个他朝思暮想的孙子。She's wished her 2 children on me for the day, while she goes for a trip to New York.她把两个孩子交给我带一整天,自己上纽约去了。It's the best birthday present I could have wished for.这是我想要的最好的生日礼物。Sometimes I was so depressed that I wished myself dead.有时我特别消沉,甚至希望自己死了。She wished us a safe journey.她祝我们一路平安。




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