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词汇 wish
例句 I am tired of his constant woolgathering — I wish he would concentrate on his work.我真受不了他老是那样心不在焉,希望他集中心思工作。Do as you wish.你想做什么就尽管去做。She always looks so slim – I wish I knew her secret.她看上去总是这么苗条。我真想知道她的秘诀。I'm sorry I ever came here; I wish I'd stayed at home.我真后悔来这儿,还不如呆在家里的好。If you do not wish my friendship, so be it.要是你不愿和我交朋友,那就算了。Do you wish to take out a full twelve-month subscription to the journal?这本期刊你想订满一年吗?He's kind of manic - I wish he'd calm down.他有些焦躁不安——我希望他能平静下来。What do you wish me to do?你想要我做什么? I wish Mummy and Daddy didn't fight so often.我希望爸爸和妈妈不要这么老吵架。I almost wish I hadn't invited him.我甚至有点希望自己没邀请他。I wish they'd just leave me alone.我希望他们别来烦我。It is my wish that my estate go to my granddaughter. 我希望我的财产由我的孙女继承。But in all honesty, I wish it had never happened.但是老实说,我希望这事从未发生过。I had no wish to upset him or trespass into his private world.我无意激怒他或者闯入他的私人世界。They do not wish for pity.他们不想得到怜悯。I don't wish to reflect on your sincerity.我不想议论你的缺乏诚意。Depending on your circumstances you may wish to opt for one method or the other.依据自身情况的不同,你可能希望选择这种或那种方法。He's so calm when he answers questions in interviews. I wish I could be that coherent.他在面试中回答问题时非常从容镇静。我希望自己也能那样条理清晰。I wish we could get on with the job. I hate all this hanging about.我希望我们能继续把工作干下去,我不喜欢这么干等。I'm sure we all wish to be less encumbered by rules which we think unnecessary and restricting.我确信大家都希望少受那些并非必要且碍手碍脚的规矩束缚。Have you seen the way she drives? She must have a death wish.你见过她驾车的样子吗?她一定是不想活了。We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。I am suffering from toothache and wish to autosuggest it away.我在患牙痛,希望通过自我暗示解除痛苦。I wish him joy of his dealing with the customer who had caused so much trouble before.他要去和那位曾搞出这么多麻烦的主顾打交道,我可真该向他道喜。I wish there was a little bit less noise around here.我希望这周围的噪声少一点儿。He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother and brother.他不想像母亲和兄弟那样痛苦地死去。I know it's a terrible thing to say, but sometimes I wish I'd never been born.我知道这么说不好,但有时我真是希望我没有出生。We have no wish to repeat their mistakes.我们不愿重蹈他们的覆辙。Do you wish another helping of ice cream?你要不要再来一客冰淇淋? I wish to goodness he were here.我真希望他在这里。I wish you'd stop faffing about and do something useful!我希望你别再瞎忙活,干些正经事!I wish you'd stop shouting at the children我希望你不要再对孩子们大喊大叫。Those who wish to come here will do so at their own risk.那些想来这里的人风险自负。I wish I could go to France.但愿我能去法国。I wish you'd stop fussing – I'll be perfectly all right.我希望你别再瞎操心 — 我会很好的。I wish he'd say yes or no – he's been pissing me around for weeks.我希望他能给个明确的答复 — 他折腾我好几个星期了。She had no wish to hurry alone through the streets of London by night.她可不想独自在夜晚匆匆走过伦敦的街道。I'm so bored at work, I wish they'd give me something I could really get my teeth into.我很厌倦工作,我希望他们能给我一件我能真正潜心去做的事。You may sit down or stand, just as you wish.你可以坐下也可以站着,随你的便。I wish he wouldn't keep banging on about politics.我希望他不要一直哇啦哇啦地讲政治。




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