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Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.如果照样再给他治疗一次,他肯定会痊愈。It's quite a bad break, which will take several months to heal.骨折很严重,需要好几个月才能痊愈。I think she will recover.我想她会痊愈的。I underwent an operation in hopes of an early recovery.我怀着早日痊愈的希望接受了外科手术。Her severely/badly injured arm took a long time to heal.她那只严重受伤的胳膊很长时间才痊愈。He is still feeling groggy after the flu.流感痊愈之后,他仍然觉得有气无力。After he got well Bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates.鲍伯痊愈后拼命用功,以期赶上班里的同学。It might be several months before she's fully cured.她可能需要好几个月才能痊愈。He's well enough in himself - he just can't shake this cold off.他精神很好——只不过感冒还没痊愈。The injury should heal within a few weeks if you just let nature take its course.顺其自然的话,伤势几个星期后就会痊愈。His broken heart never completely mended.他受伤的心灵再也没能痊愈。Most colds clear up after a few days.多数感冒几天以后就会痊愈。The break in her arm will take months to heal.她手臂骨折要几个月才能痊愈。I haven't been able to shake this cold off for weeks.几周来我的感冒一直无法痊愈。The chairman is back in the saddle after his heart attack.心脏病痊愈之后,主席又重新掌权了。You'll be fully recovered and yourself again.你会痊愈并恢复健康的。The doctors say she will be mobile again when her broken leg heals.医生说,她骨折的腿痊愈后,就又能走路了。He attributed his cure to the spa waters.他把他的痊愈归功于温泉水。After the operation your back should be as good as new.手术以后你的后背会痊愈的。She still hasn't fully recovered from her shoulder injury.她的肩伤尚未痊愈。The dolphins will be freed into the ocean once their injuries have healed.这些海豚受的伤一痊愈就会被放回海里。Frasier's right foot has not healed sufficiently to allow him to play tonight.弗雷泽右脚没有完全痊愈,今晚不能参加比赛。It's important to keep the joint mobile while it heals.在关节痊愈时,保持关节活动是很重要的。The company will carry you until your illness is over.公司将维持你的生计直到你的病完全痊愈。The wound hasn't healed properly yet.伤口还没有痊愈。I am quite hopeful of her recovery.我对她的痊愈抱很大的希望。The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances of recovery.越早治疗,病人痊愈的机会就越大。The fact that he has fully recovered makes me feel good.他已痊愈,真令我高兴。She's got a strong constitution – she'll recover in no time.她体质很好,很快就会痊愈。Within six weeks the bruising had gone, but it was six months before it all healed.六个星期内瘀伤就消除了,但痊愈却花了六个月的时间。He was recovering from a severe bout of flu.他患了严重的流感,尚未痊愈。Now that he is better he can play football again.他已痊愈,又可以踢足球了。She's well on the way to recovery.她即将痊愈。The disease usually runs its course in a few days.这种病通常在几天之内会自行痊愈。Broken bones always take time to heal.骨折总是要很长时间才能痊愈。Jim's hoping he'll be back on his feet by next week.吉姆希望到下周会痊愈。The wound had not healed properly and was oozing pus.伤口还未真正痊愈,正在流脓。I trust your wife will soon get well.我相信你太太不久就会痊愈的。His leg hasn't quite healed yet, but pain-killers make it bearable.他的腿尚未痊愈,不过吃了止痛片就能撑过去。The doctors say I'll make a full recovery, but I'm going to have to take it one step at a time.医生都说我会痊愈的,但是还得一步一步来。 |