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词汇 病菌
例句 They had walled up her room because of the fear that things might be infected.因为担心物品可能会带上病菌,他们砌墙堵死了她的房间。Garbage can collect germs.垃圾会滋生病菌Jerry had to spend two months enclosed in a huge plastic bubble, to prevent him from catching germs from other children.杰里得住在大的透明塑料罩里两个月,以免传染上其他孩子的病菌Sinks and draining boards can harbour germs.洗涤槽和沥水板可能藏有病菌There are a lot of nasty bugs going around the school.学校里有很多讨厌的病菌在传播。Germs can be spread through a sneeze or a handshake.病菌会通过打喷嚏或者握手传播。It's a germ that causes sore throats.病菌导致喉咙疼。Bathroom door handles can harbour germs.厕所门把手上可能带有病菌It is indisputable that birds in the UK are harbouring this illness.无可争辩的是,英国的鸟类携带着这种疾病的病菌She was terrified of germs and had herself pumped full of every kind of injection.她很害怕病菌,去打了各种各样的预防针。Disease is usually caused by germs.疾病常由病菌造成。People were continuing to drink infected water.人们仍在饮用有病菌的水。There's a bug going around.有一种病菌在流传。The germs are easily passed from person to person.这些病菌很容易在人与人之间传播。Some diseases are infectious or contagious.有些病是病菌传染或接触传染的。If the plant has been infected you will see dark protuberances along the stems.如果这种植物感染了病菌,你会看到它的茎上出现黑色的凸出物。We still rely on archaic analytical techniques to test water for disease.我们仍然依赖过时的分析技术来检测水里是否含有病菌




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