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词汇 alive
例句 We didn't know if she was dead or alive.我们不知道她是死是活。The telegraph came alive again.电报机又响了起来。My father died last year but my mother is still alive.我父亲去年去世了,但我母亲依然在世。The injured man is unconscious but still alive.受伤的人不省人事但仍活著。Are you alive to what is going on?你注意到正在发生的事吗? He was the last person to see the woman alive, and suspicion immediately fell on him.他是那个女人生前最后见到的人,所以一下就怀疑到他头上。Every borrowed set is alive and liquid as the star is.每个虚构的布景都和明星一样,是活生生水灵灵的。She does not know if he is alive or dead.她不知道他是生是死。London is confident and alive, resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city.伦敦洋溢着自信和活力,呈现出一个文明城市的所有特性。The organization is still alive and kicking.该组织仍很活跃。It's an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.如此维持一个人的生命是对人类尊严的冒犯。He's still alive isn't he?他还活着,不是吗?The police remained hopeful that she would be found alive.警方仍然对找到活着的她持乐观态度。She and Simon's father had not given up hope that he might be alive.她和西蒙的父亲还没有放弃他或许还活着的希望。He can be the most secret man alive.他可能是活着的最能守秘密的人。Did you think he could still be alive?你认为他有没有可能还活着?They kept her alive on a lifesupport machine.他们用呼吸机维持她的生命。They are alive to the limitations of the system.他们注意到了该系统的局限性。It is important to keep alive the hope that a peace settlement might be found.重要的是对找到和平解决方案始终抱有希望。Sickened detectives said the old lady was lucky to be alive after such a brutal attack.侦探们很震惊,说老太太遭到这么凶残的袭击还活着真是幸运。We need to be alive to new opportunities for our business to grow.我们要敏于发现企业发展的新机遇。Both communities have a tradition of keeping history alive.两个团体都有延续历史的传统。Suddenly music that seemed dull and repetitive comes alive.突然间,似乎索然无味且反反复复的音乐生动了起来。I feel lucky to be alive.我感到还活着是侥幸。She hardly dared hope that he was alive.她几乎不抱希望他还活着。The whole house was alive with activity.整幢房子里都很热闹。The boys poked the fish with sticks to see if it was still alive那些男孩子用木棒戳那条鱼看它是否还活着。The area beyond is taboo, still alive with explosives.从此往前禁止通行,因为尚有爆炸物未排除。He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to let nature take its course.可以人工维持他的生命,但我想顺其自然反倒更好。Hopes that he will be found alive are fading.他活着被找到的希望在逐渐破灭。Premature babies are kept alive in incubators.早产婴儿放在保温箱里保育。It would be nice to put the clock back to the years when Mum and Dad were still alive.要是时光倒转,爸爸、妈妈都在世多好。She fantasized that he was still alive.她幻想他还活着。The knife had pierced his heart, but incredibly he was still alive.刀插入了他的心脏,但他还活着,真令人难以置信。The union kept plans alive to stage new strikes.公会积极策划组织新的罢工。From the start he brings his characters alive.从一开始他把各个角色描绘得栩栩如生。He is the mildest man alive.他是世上最和善的人了。I say, look alive. We've got only two minutes left.喂,快点,我们只剩两分钟了。It was a very narrow escape and we are lucky to be alive.我们死里逃生活下来算是幸运。After years of slow earnings, the industry is now alive and kicking.经历了多年的低收益之后,如今这个产业生机勃勃。




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