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词汇 男友
例句 She looked lovingly into her boyfriend's face.她钟爱地望著男友的脸。My next boyfriend was a reliable person, but not very good in bed.我的后一任男友很可靠,但是床上功夫不太好。Trying to make your boyfriend or girlfriend jealous isn't a good idea.故意让男友或女友吃醋不是什么好主意。My boyfriend and I often double-date with a couple that we met in college.我和男友经常与我们大学时认识的一对情侣一起约会。Me and my old man have been together for ten years now.我和男友已经在一起十年了。Rick was Kitty's boyfriend, you know, and his death threw her for a loop.你知道里克是姬蒂的男友,他的去世让她不知所措了。My boyfriend is looking forward to going on the loose with his mates when they go to London to see the Cup Final.男友期望着到伦敦去看世界杯时,与他的同伴们纵情游乐。After two years she chucked her boyfriend.两年以后,她抛弃了男友Some of the girls started having sex mainly because their boyfriends were pressuring them.一些女孩有了性行为主要是因为她们的男友在施加压力。He took a scunner at his daughter's newest boyfriend.他对女儿新交的男友深怀反感。My boyfriend pushes me around and calls me names at the slightest thing.我的男友对我很不好,为一点儿小事就会骂我。She got into a terrible row with her boyfriend.她和男友大吵了一架。Karen is always very up front with her boyfriends.卡伦在男友面前一向很坦率。She called her boyfriend a two-faced son of a bitch.她叫她的男友双面王八蛋。Her latest boyfriend is an absolute dream.她最近的那个男友非常理想。Wilson is accused of murdering his daughter and her boyfriend.威尔逊被控杀死了自己的女儿和其男友She had attended an interview, at her boyfriend's insistence.男友的坚持下,她去参加了一个面试。She certainly had a friend called Mark, but I don't know whether he was her boyfriend.她确实有个朋友叫马克,不过我不知道他是不是她男友I called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend's name - it was just a slip of the tongue.我叫她的新男友时喊成了她前任男友的名字——那只是一个口误。The police took her in for questioning, but she clammed up when they asked about her boyfriend.警方把她带去盘问,可是问起她的男友时,她就不吭声。Police believe the shootings may have been the work of a jealous boyfriend.警方相信这起枪击事件可能是一个妒忌的男友所为。Her boyfriend was getting too possessive so she finished with him.她的男友占有欲越来越强,所以她和他分手了。Her boyfriend has a well-paid job.她的男友有一份薪酬丰厚的工作。Vivian and her boyfriend are making arrangements to join us in Australia.薇薇安和男友在作准备,在澳大利亚与我们会合。She is pissed at her boyfriend for not calling her.她因为男友没有打电话给她而非常生气。Her friends gave her a reality check about her boyfriend. 朋友们告诉了她有关她男友的真相。Helen rowed with her boyfriend about a mere trifle.海伦为一点小事与男友争吵。Your problem with keeping boyfriends is just a symptom of a larger problem: making and keeping friends.你在维系同男友的关系时遭遇的困难暴露了一个更大的问题:如何结交朋友和维持友谊。My boyfriend says I'd like going on a camping trip, but I'm not convinced.男友说我会喜欢露营度假的,可是我并不确定。Her boyfriend was insanely jealous.她的男友妒火中烧。She knew that if she brought her boyfriend home her mother would start hearing wedding bells.她知道如果她把男友带回家,她母亲就会认为他们即将结婚。Her parents were very upset when she set up house with her boyfriend.她和男友同居建立家庭,父母非常伤心。She faces a murder rap for the death of her boyfriend.她面临谋杀男友的指控。Monica's new boyfriend is completely barmy. He calls her almost every day from Australia.莫尼卡新认识的男友简直是在发疯—他每天从澳大利亚打电话给她。I split up with my boyfriend last year.我去年和男友分手了。Liz travelled round the world for a year with her boyfriend James.莉兹和男友詹姆斯花了一年时间环球旅行。He's not my boyfriend - we're just good friends!他不是我的男友——我们只是好朋友!Her parents put pressure on her and her boyfriend to get married.父母向她和她男友施压,要他们结婚。She and her boyfriend had another fight, and now she says she's going to finish with him once and for all.她和男友又吵了一架,现在她说要和他彻底一刀两断。She had a secret assignation with her boyfriend.她私下和男友约会了。




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