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词汇 两位
例句 Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists.这些人中,有两位是左派,有两位是中间派。The two scientists had the same information but reached opposite conclusions.两位科学家掌握相同的信息,却得出了相反的结论。The election poll showed a statistical dead heat. 选举结果显示,两位候选人的得票数不相上下。Allow me to acquaint you with just two of our graduates.请允许我向你们介绍我们的两位毕业生。Would you two ladies like to go on a double date with me and my friend?两位女士能与我和我的朋友一起约会吗?The two envoys have succeeded in mediating an end to the war.两位使节通过调节斡旋促成了战争的结束。He's trying to smooth over differences between the two leaders.他在试图消除两位领导人之间的分歧。Two of my friends came by unexpectedly, and we had an impromptu little party in my kitchen.我的两位朋友突然到访,于是我们在我家厨房临时搞了个小型聚会。Both actors have agreed to act in the movie.两位演员都同意出演这部影片。Two senior civil servants were sent from Whitehall to work within the Ministry of Home Affairs.白厅两位资深公职人员被调去内政部工作。In response to cries of protest, two ministers resigned.作为对抗议呼声作出的回应,有两位部长辞职。The report accuses both politicians of dishonesty and of misrepresenting the facts.报道指责这两位政客都不诚实,并且歪曲事实。The chef was ably assisted by two helpers.主厨得到了两位助手的大力协助。The marriage between the two stars was as bizarre as it was short-lived.两位明星之间的婚姻离奇而短暂。The marathon ended in a sprint to the wire by the two top runners.两位优秀选手冲刺到终点线,结束了这场马拉松比赛。Can you make space round the table for two extra guests?可否请您在桌边挪一挪再让两位客人入坐?Let's have a quick word with the two defeated finalists.我们和两位在决赛中失利的选手说几句话吧。I'd like to thank you both for all your hard work and unstinting support during these past days.我想感谢你们两位,谢谢你们在过去几天里的辛勤工作和大力支持。The two women live in a drafty old farmhouse.两位女士住在一间透冷风的旧农舍里。Two pathologists examined the body, but their findings disagreed.两位病理学家检查了尸体,但他们的检查结果不一致。The two candidates shared a platform for the question and answer session.在问答阶段,两位候选人站在同一个讲台上。In this scene, the two actors play off each other extremely well.这场戏中,两位演员的对手戏配合得非常好。Only two US representatives were unseated.只有两位美国代表被免职。Government officials managed to engineer a meeting between the two ambassadors.政府官员设法安排了两位大使之间的会见。From the coach debouched my parents and two guests.我父母和两位客人从大客车上走下来。The two presidents keyed their talks to problems of peacekeeping.两位总统会谈时重点谈维护和平问题。She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.她的乳癌尚未扩散,两位主刀医生均建议她动手术。Both candidates turned in uninspiring performances in last night's debate.两位候选人在昨晚的辩论会上均表现得平淡无奇。Two jurors signified their dissent.两位陪审员表示了异议。Both senators were from the other party and had other axes to grind.两位参议员都属于另一个党,都有其他自私的目的。Jeff made a beeline for a table where two pretty Russian girls were sitting.杰夫直奔向那张坐了两位漂亮的俄罗斯姑娘的桌子。The two writers had a number of tilts in print.两位作家写过一些文章互相攻击。Both actors have the stylish self-confidence needed to carry off these roles.两位演员都具有演好这些角色所需的优雅的自信。They've been helped by a couple of Washington newspaper reporters.他们得到了华盛顿的两位新闻记者的帮助。He was sitting between two old ladies.他坐在两位年老女士的中间。Two Scottish lawyers will prosecute the case.两位苏格兰的律师将在这个案件中代表原告。The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum.两位从政者代表了政界的两个极端。The Guardian's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers.《卫报》头版刊载了两位外交部长的一幅照片。Both candidates have promised not to indulge in further personal attacks for the remainder of the campaign.两位候选人都已承诺,在接下来的竞选活动中不再进行人身攻击。The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.两位领导人还同意签署削减化学武器储备的几项条约。




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