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词汇 两人之间
例句 The incomprehension between the two men was mutual.两人之间互不理解。By mid-season the hostility between the two was undisguised.到了赛季中期,两人之间的敌对情绪已经公开化了。I was interrogated at length about my conversation with the two men.关于我和那两人之间的谈话,我被详细地盘问了一番。When irreconcilable differences exist between two people, it is better that they should separate.如果两人之间存在着不可调和的分歧,那么还是分开为妙。For a long time her mother and her grandmother had hardly been on speaking terms.很久以来,她的母亲和外婆两人之间几乎不怎么说话。A warm friendship grew up between the two men.两人之间逐渐产生了友情。Friendship grew between the two men.两人之间产生了友情。His speech served only to sharpen the differences between the two men.他的讲话结果只是让两人之间的分歧更加严重。They used to be friends but a great gulf has developed between them.他们过去一直是朋友,但如今两人之间已产生了极大的分歧。I've narrowed it down to one of two people.我已经把范围缩小到两人之间选一人。Gina tried to blackmail him, by threatening to tell his wife about their affair.吉娜企图敲诈他,威胁说要把两人之间的婚外恋告诉他妻子。There had been some unpleasantness between them in the past.他们两人之间曾有过一些芥蒂。The letter sparked off a friendship between the two men.这封信引发了两人之间的友谊。The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope.两人之间不够稳固的联合给了人们一线希望。




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