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例句 The police investigation hasn't turned up any new evidence.警方的调查还没有发现任何新的证据。Although the fluid presents no symptoms to the patient, its presence can be detected by a test.虽然这种液体不会使患者出现任何症状,但它的存在能被检测出来。The Government could face an electoral drubbing in an early election.在提前选举中现任政府可能会一败涂地。At this late stage in the competition there is no margin for error.在这个比赛的最后阶段不允许出现任何差错。She's keeping you on a string, using you as a fall-back in case something happens with her current man.她将你玩弄于股掌之间,一旦现任男人出了问题就拿你当后备。Your application must be proposed and seconded by current members.你的申请必须由现任成员推荐并得到他们的支持。The Senator is more electable than the incumbent.那个参议员比现任那位当选的呼声更高。He didn't find anything in the notebooks to implicate Stuart.他在笔记本中没有发现任何涉及斯图尔特的东西。The virus will incubate in the body for several days before the patient experiences any symptoms.在病人出现任何症状之前,这种病毒会在人体内潜伏几天。How long has the present director been at the helm?现任主任掌权多久了? The scan did not reveal any abnormalities.扫描没有发现任何异常。I don't anticipate any future problems in that regard.我不期望将来在那方面出现任何问题。No weapon was found at the scene of the crime.犯罪现场没有发现任何武器。The present government inherited a closed, state-dominated economy.现任政府接手了一个封闭的由国家控制的经济制度。You can return the product if any defect appears within the first six months.六个月之内出现任何问题,你都可以退货。Investigations have never turned up any evidence.调查从没发现任何证据。A search of Brady's house revealed nothing that could connect him with the robberies.对布雷迪住所的搜查没有发现任何能证明他与这些抢劫案有关的东西。He unseated an incumbent senator.他把一名现任参议员赶下台。She performed a thorough exam and didn't find anything unusual.她进行了全面的检查,但是没有发现任何异常。The present administration has demonstrated little regard for environmental issues.现任政府对环境问题关注很少。We noticed nothing unusual when we watched the replay.我们观看回放时,没有发现任何异常。They had not found any evidence of a systematic attempt to rig the ballot.他们没有发现任何证据表明有人有计划地操纵投票。The whole concept of democracy, she claimed, was utterly foreign to the present government.她声称,民主这一整套概念对于现任政府来说是极其陌生的。If your child shows any signs of illness, take her to the doctor.如果您的孩子出现任何患病症状,带她去看医生。A cursory examination did not reveal any problems.粗略的检查没有发现任何问题。I checked through all his letters but found nothing useful.我查看了他的所有信件,但没有发现任何有用信息。We haven't had any problems thus far.我们至今没有出现任何问题。This proposal is a political time bomb that could cost the government the next election.这个议案是政坛的一颗定时炸弹,足以使现任政府输掉下次竞选。The doctor checked my reflexes and could find nothing wrong.医生检查了我的反射反应,没有发现任何问题。Even the former chairman of Shell had a more long-sighted view than our current leaders.甚至壳牌公司的前总裁都比我们的现任领导更有远见。George Richardson, late our Ambassador to England and for the moment Secretary of Commerce不久前任我国驻英大使、现任商务部长的乔治·理查逊You should report any fault directly to the phone company.现任何毛病,都应该直接向电话公司反映。No drugs were found in his system.他体内没发现任何毒品。The event passed off without any major incidents.活动进行顺利,没有出现任何重大意外。Students can confidentially report any problems they see in their schools.学生在学校里发现任何问题,都可以秘密举报。The FBI probe did not produce any new evidence.联邦调查局的调查并没有发现任何新的证据。The police haven't turned up anything new, have they?警方还没发现任何新线索,是吧?People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.一旦发现任何行为可疑的人,应当立即报警。Who is next in line when the current leader of North Korea dies?现任领导人去世之后将会由谁继任?The current Liberal Party has no actual experience of government.现任自由党没有实际的治国经验。




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