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词汇 独立思考
例句 The school's curriculum encourages independent thinking.这所学校的课程鼓励独立思考Don't let others tell you what to believe. You need to learn to think for yourself.别让他人告诉你该相信什么,你得学会独立思考He expects to be spoon-fed.他不愿意独立思考问题。Think for yourself, don't just follow the crowd.独立思考,不要只是人云亦云。The object of the exercise is to get you to think independently.这个活动的目的就是教你独立思考She made students think for themselves, rather than telling them what to think.她让学生们独立思考,而不是一味地告诉他们该思考些什么。Parents should encourage their children to think for themselves.家长应鼓励孩子们独立思考He encourages his pupils to think for themselves.他鼓励学生独立思考We must train them to think independently.我们必须训练他们独立思考Girls do better on open-ended tasks that require them to think for themselves.女孩子更擅长需要独立思考的开放式任务。It's time she learned to think for herself.是她学会独立思考的时候了。Independent thinkers are shunted into minor jobs or refused promotion.独立思考力的人要么下放到次要岗位,要么得不到晋升。The purpose of this question is to force students to think for themselves.这个问题的目的是迫使学生独立思考Boys weren't mollycoddled and grew up to think and act independently.男孩子们没有被娇生惯养,长大后都能独立思考和行动。The new teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves.新的教学方法鼓励孩子们独立思考




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