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词汇 犯人
例句 Sex offenders are often kept apart from other prisoners for their own safety.性罪犯经常和其他犯人分开关押,那是为了他们自身的安全。He appeared in court in his convict's stripes.他穿着犯人的条纹囚服出庭。Will the prison system cope adequately with the increasing numbers of prisoners?监狱系统将足以应付日益增多的犯人吗?The prisoners had been tortured and mutilated.犯人遭受了酷刑并被打致残。The prisoners were led in to the warden's office.犯人被押进典狱长办公室。The prisoner washed down the walls of his cell.那个犯人彻底清洗了牢房的墙面。Some prisoners are not reformable.有些犯人无可救药。The prisoner was led in wearing a blindfold.犯人被蒙上眼睛带进去。The warders' union has been denouncing the government for coddling prisoners.狱警联盟一直谴责政府姑息犯人The Prisoner Review Board can recommend that a prisoner is released, but Illinois Gov. Jim Edgar has the final say.囚犯审查委员会可以建议释放一名犯人,但伊利诺伊州州长吉姆·埃德加拥有最后决定权。Four prisoners escaped through a hole in the fence.四名犯人穿过围篱上的一个洞口逃跑了。Three of the prisoners are currently on hunger strike.三个犯人正在绝食抗议。The man who cut the schoolgirl's throat was sentenced to life imprisonment because psychoanalysis revealed that he is a sociopath.那个切断女孩喉咙的犯人被判无期徒刑,因为心理分析师认为他有反社会人格。Leeds Prison is reported to have almost double the number of prisoners it's designed to accommodate.据报道利兹监狱里犯人的数量几乎已达该监狱设计可容纳人数的两倍了。Relationships between the staff and the prisoners are good.狱警和犯人友好相处。The prisoners continued to protest their innocence.犯人们一再申明他们无罪。The regulations were relaxed and the prisoners could get out and about a bit.规定有所放宽,犯人可以出去短暂放风。Two emaciated prisoners were chained to the wall.两个骨瘦如柴的犯人被用铁链拴在墙上。Many of the prisoners were covered with sores.很多犯人满身是疮。The governor of the prison is investigating allegations that a prisoner was attacked and beaten by a prison warden.典狱长正在调查一位监狱看守攻击和殴打一名犯人的指控。Kelly was a convicted criminal, yet many people admired him.凯利是个已定罪的犯人,但许多人却很钦佩他。The uprising at Southport prison ended after inmates were allowed to air their grievances to the media.犯人被允许向媒体诉说不满之后,绍斯波特监狱的暴动平息了下去。The two prisoners were kept under restraint while they were transported between prisons.在转监途中,两名犯人受到了人身限制。Judges no longer have the power to pass the death sentence.法官们再也无权判处犯人死刑。Two policemen were assigned to guard the prisoner.两位警察被派去看守那名犯人More prisons are needed to house the growing number of inmates.需要更多的监狱来关押日益增多的犯人The prisoners demanded the freedom to meet within the prison.犯人要求享有在监狱内会见访客的自由。The prisoners have two hours of exercise per day.这些犯人每天有两小时的活动时间。The criminal was granted bail.犯人获准交保释放。Most of the escaped prisoners were quickly recaptured.大多数越狱的犯人很快被重新捕获。The prisoners are forced to live in abominable conditions.犯人们被迫生活在恶劣的环境中。Kemp was loathed by all the other prisoners, who regarded him as a traitor.其他犯人都讨厌肯普,认为他是叛徒。Rising prison population and overcrowding add up to a real crisis.监狱里的犯人越来越多,人满为患,造成实实在在的危机。Some prisoners entered formal appeals against their verdicts and sentences.有些犯人对其所受裁决和课刑正式提出上诉。Police put handcuffs on the prisoner.警方给犯人戴上了手铐。One of the prisoners has carved a beautiful wooden chess set.其中一个犯人刻了一副精美的木制象棋。Prisons are having to pack in as many inmates as possible.监狱只好拼命往里面塞犯人He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners.他试图不带感情地对待那些犯人The prisoner's exercise privileges were taken away. 这个犯人的活动特权被剥夺了。Dangerous prisoners need constant supervision.危险的犯人需要时时监管。




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