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例句 He claimed he was the victim of a dirty tricks campaign..他声称他是一场卑鄙的竞选运动的牺牲品He was simply a victim of circumstance.他不过是个客观环境的牺牲品He was the victim of those in his own party who had the goods on him.党内一些人掌握了他的把柄,结果他成了牺牲品He is a tragic victim of destiny.他是命运的不幸牺牲品He was a victim of racial prejudice.他是种族偏见的牺牲品He was the victim of a congressional witch hunt against Communists.他成为国会反对共产党的政治迫害中的牺牲品She was certainly an unwilling victim of circumstances.她成为情势的牺牲品绝对不是自己愿意的。He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS.他成了英国国民保健制度下所谓追查报复检举者行动的典型牺牲品Napoleon's army was sacrificed on the altar of folly in the disastrous Russian campaign.在灾难性的俄国战役中,拿破仑的军队成了这一愚蠢之举的牺牲品He was a victim of circumstances.他是客观环境的牺牲品They were victims of religious persecution.他们是宗教迫害的牺牲品The magistrates who investigated his business empire have been made victims of a smear campaign.对他的商业王国展开调查的地方法官成了一场毁谤行动的牺牲品Davis was nobody's patsy.戴维斯不是任何人的牺牲品In his trial, he tried to portray himself as the victim of an uncaring society.他在受审过程中力图将自己描绘成冷漠社会的牺牲品Truth was an early casualty of the newspaper campaign.这场新闻大战中,最初的牺牲品就是真相。He became a victim of circumstances.他成了命运的牺牲品I am not going to be a sacrificial lamb on the altar of political correctness.我不打算做政治正确性祭坛上的牺牲品The lads don't join the union because they're frightened of being victimized.那几个伙计没加入工会是因为害怕成为牺牲品The poor and disadvantaged will, regrettably, be the ones to suffer as a result of the new law.遗憾的是,穷人和弱势群体将成为新法律的牺牲品Compassion has been sacrificed on the altar of political expediency.同情心成了政治权宜之计的牺牲品The corruption scandal has claimed yet another casualty: the Finance Minister, who was forced to resign last night.这一桩腐败丑闻又有一人成了牺牲品:昨天晚上财政部长被迫辞职。He was the victim of an error.他是一次失误的牺牲品Any hostages in the firing line would have been sacrificed.任何射击线上的人质就都会成为牺牲品They were victims of circumstance.他们是客观环境的牺牲品He was just another victim of the rumour mill.他只是谣言工厂的又一个牺牲品He was a sacrificial lamb to a system that destroyed him.他是那个令他走向毁灭的制度的牺牲品The Safer City Project is the latest casualty of financial cutbacks.城市安全工程成了最近财政削减下的牺牲品The organization protested that it was the victim of a politically motivated frame-up.该组织抗议称,自己是一个政治陷阱的牺牲品We knew the department would be a sacrificial lamb when the time came to cut costs.我们知道,需要减少成本时这个部门将会成为牺牲品




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