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词汇 物质享受
例句 A warm house and good food are material comforts.温暖的家和佳肴都是物质享受He was obsessed with a craving for materialistic gratification.他一心追求物质享受I don't need creature comforts like a hot bath.我不需要像洗热水澡这样的物质享受He is concerned only with his own material comforts/needs.他只关心他的物质享受/需求。We enjoyed the material comforts of the booming economy.我们喜欢经济繁荣时期的物质享受She enjoys the material comforts married life has brought her.她喜欢婚姻生活带给她的物质享受Kids these days are very materialistic. They only seem to be interested in expensive toys and computer games.如今的孩子一味追求物质享受,他们感兴趣的好像只有昂贵的玩具和电脑游戏。He denied himself every creature comfort.他屏弃一切物质享受




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