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词汇 物体
例句 The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement.捕食性动物的眼睛能够捕捉到最细微的物体移动。We know from experience that hot objects are painful to touch.凭经验我们知道触碰高温物体会引起疼痛。When a large object impacts the Earth, it makes a crater.当一个巨大的物体撞击地球时,会形成凹坑。Objects in the foreground are drawn larger than those in the background.前景中的物体画得比背景中的物体大一些。How can you get angry with a car? It's an inanimate object!你怎么对汽车发火?它是个没有生命的物体Things look different by the light of day.物体在日光下看起来不一样。Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it.任何有较强重力的物体都会对其他物体产生引力。The laws of physics dictate that what goes up must come down.物理定律决定了上升的物体一定会落下。Short sound waves bounce off even small objects.短声波即使遇到小物体也会产生回音。The radar waves bounce off objects in their path.雷达波在路径上碰到物体就反射回来。Light travels at the highest achievable velocity in the universe.光的传播速度是宇宙中物体所能达到的最高速度。Full-size tripods can be awkward, especially if you're shooting a low-level subject.标准尺寸的三脚架可能会不便于使用,用于拍摄低角度的物体时尤其如此。All drawings need to be dimensioned so that it can be seen what size the object is in real life.所有的图样都需标上尺寸,以便了解真实物体的大小。Gravity pulls objects together.引力的作用使物体聚在一起。Gravity causes these objects to fall to earth.重力使这些物体落到地面。Most birds cannot identify their parents at birth and simply follow the first moving object they see.大部分鸟在出生时都不认得父母,只会跟着它们所看见的第一个会移动的物体走。The object described a gentle curve in the air.物体在空中画了一道平缓的曲线。This method involves cutting a very thin slice from the object.这种方法需要从物体上切下薄薄的一片。Always lock your bicycle to something secure.总要把自行车锁在牢固的物体上。The camera can adjust for a light subject on a dark background, or vice versa. 这个相机可以调节黑暗背景下的明亮物体,亦可调节明亮背景下的黑暗物体The object is at rest. 这个物体处于静止状态。An object as viewed in a plain mirror is perverted from its actual appearance.平面镜中所见到的物体与实际物体是左右颠倒的。The object was a dim blur in the moonlight.这个物体在月光下显得暗淡模糊。What kind of exposure should I use for a dark subject on a light background?我该采用哪种曝光模式来拍摄浅色背景下的深色物体I knew that there would be unexpected shocks, sudden noises, and cadaverous materializations.我就知道会有出乎意料的震惊、突如其来的噪声和死尸状的物体People suffering from amnesia don't forget their general knowledge of objects.患健忘症的人不会忘记关于物体的一些基本知识。The rapid movement of an object close to the eye triggers an automatic reflex.物体在眼前快速移动时,眼睛就会自动作出反应。I was desperately trying to grab hold of something solid.我拼命想要抓住一个坚固的物体Your contaminated fingers can transmit the parasite to many surfaces.你受污染的手指会向许多物体表面传播寄生虫。When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.考古学家在测定有数千年历史的物体的年代时,会允许有几百年的误差。Local fishermen's nets kept snagging on underwater objects.当地渔民的渔网不断被水下物体钩住。A large unidentified object was spotted floating in the sea near our ship.在我们的船附近发现了一个庞大的不明物体在海面上漂浮。Deanne Sokolin creates abstract, mournfully poetic black-and-white images of wrapped objects.迪恩•索科林围绕包裹起来的物体创造了抽象、忧伤而充满诗意的黑白影像。With unwearied diligence, his eyes pursued the object till it gradually disappeared.他的眼光毫无松懈地追踪著这个物体,直到它逐渐消失。The objects moved in synchrony with each other. 两个物体同步移动。Suddenly an object bobbed up from below the surface.突然,一个物体从水下冒了出来。The object had clearly fallen from a considerable height.这个物体显然是从相当高的地方坠落下来的。Compute the ratio of the object's height to its weight.计算一下该物体的高度和重量之比。Falling objects obey the laws of physics. 下落的物体遵循的是物理法则。The right side of the brain deals with spatial relations between objects.大脑右侧负责处理物体之间的空间关系。




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