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词汇 conspicuously
例句 Richmond was conspicuously absent from the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday.美国职业篮球联赛星期天举行的全明星赛上,里士满缺席,因而引起了注意。He behaves conspicuously and spends lavishly at all the most popular nightclubs.他行为招摇,在各大夜总会出手阔绰。The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.寺院洁白雄伟的拱门十分显眼地矗立在肮脏破败的城市上方。He was conspicuously lacking in charm.很明显,他缺乏魅力。He was conspicuously absent from the meeting.大家都注意到他缺席了会议。Tom was conspicuously lacking in enthusiasm for the idea.汤姆显然对这个主意缺乏热情。Baron has not been conspicuously successful in building relationships with the other countries.男爵在与别国建立关系上没有取得显著成绩。Britain continues to follow US policy in this and other areas where American policies have most conspicuously failed.在美国政策分明行不通的各领域,英国却仍旧追随美国政策。She sat down very conspicuously in my line of sight.她非常惹眼地在我视线范围内坐下来。Johnston's name was conspicuously absent from the list.显然,约翰斯顿的名字不在名单上。Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.当地人都没有到会,这引起了人们的关注。The government has conspicuously failed to intervene.政府明显干预无果。Most of the executives attended the meeting, but the company president was conspicuously absent. 大部分高管都出席了会议,可是公司总裁却没有出席,这一点非常引人注目。The touch of the master hand was conspicuously absent from the picture.很明显,这幅画缺乏娴熟的技巧。The sign was placed very conspicuously.告示牌放在了很显眼的位置。France's conductor-in-chief has been conspicuously silent on the matter.法国首席指挥家对此事明显保持沉默。Airport officials became suspicious when the man tried to check what they describe as a conspicuously heavy bag.那名男子托运行李时引起了机场人员的怀疑,他们说他的旅行袋非常重,惹人注意。




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