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词汇 conspicuous
例句 He had represented Italy with conspicuous success.他代表意大利取得了令人瞩目的成功。She felt very conspicuous in her pink coat.她觉得自己穿粉色外套非常抢眼。She might have felt less conspicuous if there had been other women there too.如果当时也有其他女人在场,她可能就不会觉得那么显眼了。The notice must be displayed in a conspicuous place.通告一定要贴在显眼的地方。The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation.赌场数量的暴增是西方化的最显著迹象之一。He chose a conspicuous place and ordered a coffee.他挑了一个显眼的位子,点了杯咖啡。Its yellow skin makes it highly conspicuous.那婴儿的黄皮肤格外惹人注目。I felt very conspicuous in my red coat.我穿着红外套,感觉十分显眼。The business was a conspicuous success.生意非常成功。He'd made himself conspicuous. He'd hung about in the museum in a way that the attendant couldn't help noticing.他使自己成了焦点。他在博物馆里游荡的样子没法让服务员不注意他。Why wasn't Stephen at the meeting? He was conspicuous by his absence.那么,斯蒂芬怎么没参加会议?他本应在场却不在,非常惹人注意。Downtown business owners say they want the city's homeless shelter moved to a less conspicuous location.市中心的商家们说,他们希望市里无家可归者的收容所搬到一个不那么显眼的地方去。He played no part in the game and was conspicuous by his absence in the post-match celebrations.他没有上场比赛,而且由于没有参加赛后的庆祝活动而引起了大家的关注。The bird has a conspicuous red head.这种鸟的红色头部很惹眼。The sign was placed in a very conspicuous spot/position.指示牌放在了一个非常显眼的位置。He was conspicuous by his absence. 他的缺席非常显眼。The most conspicuous way in which the old politics is changing is in the growing use of referendums.旧式政治最明显的变化在于其越来越多地进行全民公决。You may feel tearful in situations where you feel conspicuous.觉得自己身处众目睽睽之下时,你可能会有想哭的感觉。She was unused to society and was afraid of making herself conspicuous by some solecism or blunder.她不习惯于社交,生怕因失礼或差错而引人注目。Her red hat was very conspicuous in the crowd.她戴的红帽子在人群中非常显眼。In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous.在中国,她的金发十分惹眼。He assumed a conspicuous role at the new arts agency.他在新的艺术机构里承担了显要职责。It was a small country town, and Lauren looked very conspicuous in her fashionable New York clothes.这是一个乡村小镇,劳伦穿着时尚的纽约服饰,显得与众不同。He felt as conspicuous as if he had stood on a stage.他感到像站在舞台上那样惹人注意。Man's first moon landing was a conspicuous achievement.人类的首次月球登陆是一个卓越的成就。She's always conspicuous because of her fashionable clothes.她总是穿著入时,引人注目。Like all French Resistance veterans, Chalet wore his pink ribbon with conspicuous pride.像所有的法国抵抗运动老兵一样,夏莱十分自豪地佩戴着他的粉红缓带。The President was conspicuous by his absence at the peace talks. 总统未出席和平谈判引起了人们的注意。He was uncomfortable about his conspicuous weight gain.他对自己体重明显增加感到不安。There were a number of conspicuous changes to the building.这栋建筑有一些明显的变化。Her freckles were more conspicuous than usual.她脸上的雀斑比平时更明显了。The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernization.西化最显著的标志之一就是赌场的骤增。Cuzco's few tourists are conspicuous as they explore the old cobbled streets.库斯科那寥寥可数的游客在铺着鹅卵石的旧街道上闲逛,很惹人注目。The award is given for notable or conspicuous achievement in science.这个奖项颁给在科学领域中取得重大或引人注目的成就的人。The new building was rather conspicuous.这座新楼相当显眼。He took a conspicuous seat near the entrance.他坐在近入口处一个显眼的位子上。Traffic signs must be conspicuous.交通标志必须显明。The crater Tycho is the most conspicuous feature on the Moon's surface.第谷环形山是月球表面最显著的特征。




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