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词汇 双方
例句 There were clashes between opposing fans after the game.比赛结束后,双方球迷发生了冲突。Both sides were happy with the eventual outcome of the talks.双方对会谈的最终结果感到满意。Both sides in the dispute are now willing to talk.争论的双方现在愿意商谈。At last a temporary agreement was reached, which gave both sides a breathing space.终于达成临时协议,这给双方一次休息的机会。A contract requires the assent of both parties.合同必须得到双方的同意。Both sides in the dispute have been adopting a tone of moral righteousness.纠纷双方说起话来都是冠冕堂皇。We discussed our mutual problems in a friendly ambiance.我们在友好的氛围之下讨论了双方的问题。According to one well-informed source, the two sides are very near to reaching an agreement.根据消息灵通人士说,双方很快就要达成协议了。The two sides were able to reach an accord.双方得以达成协议。Both sides expressed satisfaction with the progress so far.双方对目前的进展都表示满意。Both sides in the conflict feed off old suspicions.冲突双方加深了旧有的猜疑。Casualties on both sides of the battle have continued to mount.交战双方的伤亡人数继续增加。It was unclear when the two sides would meet again to discuss the budget.双方何时再次碰头商讨预算之事尚不清楚。The two countries signed a treaty to solidify their alliance.两国签订了条约以巩固双方的联盟。Both spoke highly of the Russian president.双方均盛赞俄罗斯总统。Armed police arrived on the scene, and there was an exchange of fire.全副武装的警察赶到现场,双方交了火。Two well-matched sides conjured up an entertaining game.双方势均力敌,奉献了一场精彩的比赛。Since the two sides declared a ceasefire, there has been an uneasy calm throughout the region.双方宣布停战以后,整个地区都有种令人不安的平静。One of the conditions of the agreement was that both sides would call an immediate ceasefire.协议上的一个条件是双方下令立即停火。I intend to tackle both management and union on the issue.我想与资方和工会双方就这个问题进行交涉。The two sides are irreconcilably opposed.双方势不两立。The two sides are now working diligently to resolve their differences.双方正不懈努力以解决他们之间的分歧。Conflicts used to be settled by men fighting hand to hand.曾相互贴身搏斗的双方往往也是解决冲突的人。The two parties procured a temporary agreement.双方达成了临时协议。Both sides are going to have to work together to find other ways of settling their differences.双方必须共同努力,找出其他办法来解决分歧。Both parties should work constructively together to address the difficulties.双方应该进行建设性合作,共同解决难题。Both sides are free to speculate on the other's motives.双方可以随意推测对方的动机。The alliance is the product of months of negotiation between the two parties.这个联盟是双方多月谈判的结果。They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities.双方已经开始了对话,以增进两个社群间的彼此了解。We hope the difficulty can be solved by getting the two sides together to discuss the issues.我们希望把双方召到一起共同讨论能解决问题。Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes.现在夫妻双方分别按各自的收入纳税。Your avoidance of the issue is probably not helping the relationship much.你这样回避问题可能对双方的关系帮不了什么忙。I don't particularly agree with either group.双方我都不甚赞同。An agreement was finally reached after a lot of back-and-forth between the two sides.双方经多个回合的谈判之后最终达成了一项协议。His words drew sharp reactions from people on both sides of the issue.他的话引起了争论双方的强烈反响。The Jordanian leader is caught between both sides in the dispute.争端双方令这位约旦领导人左右为难。The last section of the report sums up the arguments on both sides.报告的最后一部分对双方的观点作了总结。Marriages in medieval Europe were customarily arranged by the families.在中世纪的欧洲,婚姻通常是由双方家庭安排的。It looks like negotiations between the two sides have come to a full stop.看起来双方的谈判终止了。The interests of both parties may not be identical, but they do overlap considerably.双方的利益可能并不完全相同,但的确也有很多重合之处。




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