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词汇 熬过
例句 They had survived the Depression without employment.他们在没有工作的情况下熬过了大萧条。It was their love that got me through those first difficult months.是他们的关爱帮助我熬过开头几个月的困难时期。Friendless and jobless, he wondered how he would survive the year.没有朋友又没有工作,他不知道如何熬过这一年。The refugees will need help to get through the winter.这些难民需要帮助才能熬过这个冬天。I couldn't have made it through those times without the support of my boyfriend, Rob.没有男朋友罗布的支持,我是不可能熬过那些日子的。It is hard to see how people will get through the winter.难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天。We're through the worst part of the storm. 我们已经熬过了暴风雨最猛烈的时候。The refugees had survived a living nightmare.难民们熬过了噩梦般的痛苦经历。He struggled through his adolescence.他艰难地熬过了青春期。The BBC may be able to muddle through for the next five years like this.英国广播公司或许能像这样熬过接下来的五年。After such a hot day we enjoyed the coolness of the evening breeze.熬过了炎热的白昼,我们美美地任夜晚凉爽的微风吹拂。The country had come through the worst of the recession.这个国家熬过了经济衰退最严重的时期。My family got me through that dreadful time.我的家人帮助我熬过了那段可怕的时光。After some difficult years, the company is flying high again.熬过艰难的几年后,公司又兴旺起来。They have already survived considerable hardship.他们已经熬过了极其艰苦的时期。Their company had weathered the recession well.他们的公司顺利地熬过了衰退期。He saw me through all the hard times.他帮助我熬过了所有的艰苦岁月。The family struggled through dreary economic times.一家人熬过了经济拮据的时期。The company survived the recession.公司熬过了经济衰退期。She was prepared to sit out the years of Jack's jail sentence.她准备熬过那些年直到杰克刑满释放。Don't stay up past your bedtime.熬夜不要熬过就寝时间。He was able to deal with his captivity by maintaining a high degree of anger about the unfairness of his capture.他对自己不公正的被俘极为怨愤,正是这股怨愤使他得以熬过囚禁生涯。We managed to ride out the stock market downturn.我们勉强熬过了股市低迷期。My family has supported me through this whole ordeal.我的家人支撑着我熬过了这场磨难。It was her faith in God that helped her survive the long years in prison.是她对上帝的信仰帮助她熬过了漫长的牢狱生涯。I think we're over the worst of the crisis now.我想我们现在已经熬过了最危急的关头。He was so ill we wondered whether he'd see the week out.他病得非常厉害,我们不知道他是否能熬过这个星期。




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