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词汇 swelled
例句 Her feet swelled up after the long walk to the top of the hill.她经过长途跋涉到达山顶后,脚肿了起来。My fingers and thumbs swelled to grotesque proportions.我的手指和大拇指肿得吓人。A brisk wind swelled the sails.一阵疾风使船帆鼓起。I dropped a brick on my foot, and it swelled up like a balloon.我不慎把砖头砸到脚上,脚肿得像只气球。The shouts swelled to a roar.叫喊声渐渐增强,最终变成了怒吼声。The river swelled, pulling us effortlessly into the pulse and the swirl of its current.河水上涨,轻而易举地把我们拖入水流的波涛与旋涡中。The cylinder swelled and contracted with the changing atmospheric pressure.随着大气压力的变化,圆筒会膨胀和收缩。His eye swelled up as infection set in.他的眼睛开始发炎,肿了起来。My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.被黄蜂蜇了以后,我的脚肿成了原来的三倍。The newly-arrived refugees swelled the ranks of the unemployed.新来的难民增加了失业的人数。Her knee swelled to twice its normal size.她的膝盖肿成了原来的两倍大。Immigrants have swelled the population.移民使人口数量增加了。The sails swelled out in the wind.船帆在风中鼓起。The great sail caught the wind and swelled.巨大的船帆迎风鼓了起来。Heavy rains swelled the river.大雨使河水上涨。The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.随着移民南迁,人口出现了至少是暂时性的膨胀。Many farm labourers left the countryside and swelled the ranks of unskilled labourers in the cities.许多农工离乡出走,大大增加了城里非熟练工人的数量。The initial trickle of money swelled into a flood.起初的涓滴之数增大成一笔巨款。His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter collect her prize.他看着女儿领奖,心中充满了自豪。He swelled with pride as he held the trophy.手捧奖杯时他的自豪感油然而生。I must admit I got a swelled head.我必须承认我有些得意忘形了。Anger swelled in him.他心头升起怒火。The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.随着移居者南移,人口出现膨胀,至少是暂时性膨胀。Below them the grey expanse of sea heaved and swelled.在他们下面,灰白色的广阔海面上下起伏,波涛汹涌。His face is so swelled up it's a fright to look at.他的脸肿胀得厉害,看起来很吓人。His heart swelled with pride. 他的心里充满了自豪。His cheek was swelled to capacity.他的脸儿胀得鼓鼓的。The music swelled.音乐声逐渐增强。His heart swelled with gratitude to her.他心中充满着对她的感激之情。The population has swelled/swollen in recent years.人口数量近年来有所增长。The father's breast swelled with pride over his son's accomplishments.由于儿子的成就,父亲心中充满自豪。A cold draught eddied, so that the curtain over the door swelled out like a sail filled by the wind.一股冷风打着旋儿刮过,门帘被吹得胀起,像一张鼓满了风的帆。His chest swelled with pride as he accepted the award.他领奖时自豪地挺着胸脯。Her broken ankle swelled badly.她的脚踝骨折,肿得厉害。Heavenly music swelled from nowhere.不知从何处响起天籁般的音乐。Tears swelled in his blue eyes and began to spill down his cheeks.泪水从他蓝色的眼睛中夺眶而出,顺着脸颊流了下来。




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