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词汇 sweets
例句 They shared the sweets out among the children.他们把糖果分发给孩子们。There are six sweets left; that means we can have three each.还剩下六颗糖,也就是说我们一个人可以吃三颗。When depressed, they dramatically overindulge in chocolate and sweets.情绪低落的时候,她们就疯狂地猛吃巧克力和糖果。I bought a bag of sweets to eat on the way home.我买了一袋糖果在回家的路上吃。Children in this country are getting much too fat, and sugar and sweets are the main culprits.该国儿童过于肥胖,糖和甜食是罪魁祸首。These sweets were in the shapes of hearts.这些糖是心形的。I keep the sweets up here where the children can't get at them.我把糖果放在高处孩子们拿不到的地方。Children should not be encouraged to graze on sweets.不应该鼓励孩子们去吃糖果之类的零食。I need my fix of sugar, sweets, and chocolate.我离不开糖、甜品和巧克力。Share the sweets between the children.把糖果分给孩子们。All those sweets will rot your teeth.所有那些糖果都会腐蚀你的牙齿。He made the sweets himself and sold them by retail.他自己制作糖果零卖。Share the sweets equally between you.你们把这些糖果平分了吧。I'm still that shy, retiring little girl who was afraid to ask for sweets in the shop.我仍然是那个羞怯孤僻的小女孩,连在商店买糖果也不敢。Do you eat sweets, cakes or sugary snacks?你吃糖果、蛋糕或甜点吗?The little boy kicked off because he couldn't have any sweets.小男孩因没能得到糖果而大发脾气。Miss Williams confiscated all our sweets.威廉斯小姐没收了我们所有的糖果。The sweets were coated with chocolate and capped with a cherry.糖果外面裹着巧克力,顶上放着一个樱桃。We were not in the least worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.我们以前完全不担心吃糖果有可能会蛀牙。We were not worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.我们以前并不担心糖果会蛀蚀牙齿。I'm trying to cut down on sweets.我尽量少吃甜食。In his youth, William had been a dumpy little boy who ate too many sweets.威廉小时候是个胖胖的男孩,糖果吃得很多。If you eat too many sweets, it'll make your teeth decay.如果你吃过多的糖,会蛀坏你的牙齿的。Flies whirled round the piles of sticky sweets.苍蝇在黏黏的糖堆上盘旋。No cake, thanks. I'm trying to avoid sweets.我不想吃蛋糕,谢谢。我正尝试避免吃甜食。She bought a packet of sweets to suck on the way.她买了一包糖果在路上吃。He got into trouble for stealing the sweets.他因为偷窃糖果惹上了麻烦。I tried bribing her with sweets, but it didn't work.我试着用糖果哄她,但不起作用。They prepared assorted sweets and savories.他们准备了各种各样的甜食和咸味小吃。Hey, greedy guts, leave those sweets alone. They're mine.喂,贪吃鬼,别动那些糖果,那是我的。She rationed out sweets to the children.她向孩子们分发糖果。On the table were dishes piled high with sweets.桌上放着堆满了糖果的碟子。I have never tasted the sweets of success.我从未尝到过成功的快乐。When she thought no one was looking she opened the cupboard and took a few sweets on the sly.当她觉得没人看见时,便打开壁橱偷偷拿了几块糖。As a child I didn't like sweets, but I loved crisps, nuts, and anything savoury.小时候我不喜欢吃糖,但喜欢马铃薯片、果仁和一切咸味食品。All the children were given a bag of goodies - mostly sweets and toys.所有的孩子都得到一包好东西——主要是糖果和玩具。My besetting sin is a fondness for sweets.爱吃甜食是我戒不掉的一个坏毛病。Paul grabbed the bag of sweets off his sister and ran away with it.保罗从他妹妹手里抢了那包糖就逃跑了。They waited in silence and sucked their sweets.他们安静地等着,嘴里咂着糖果。She dipped a hand into the jar of sweets and pulled one out.她把手伸进糖果罐,摸出了一颗糖。




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