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词汇 sweetness
例句 She had a smile of singular sweetness.她笑得非常甜美。I was entranced by the sweetness of her voice.她那甜美的嗓音使我陶醉。Florida oranges have a natural sweetness.佛罗里达柑橘带有一种天然的甘甜。People think she's all sweetness and light, but she actually has a temper.人们都认为她亲切和善,但实际上她的脾气很坏。Her sweetness of temper has charmed her aged and youthful companions.她的温和性情使她深受青、老年朋友的喜欢。She received the two men with the utmost sweetness, pressing drinks upon them and urging cigarettes.她极其亲切地接待了那两位男客,一定要他们喝酒,又忙不迭地递烟。He possessed great generosity and sweetness.他对人十分慷慨友善。The essential oil does not have the sweetness of lavender but is strong.精油没有薰衣草那种芳香,但是气味很浓。Vanilla adds sweetness and creaminess to ice cream.香草使冰激凌更加香甜细滑。A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit.上好调味料的辛辣与干果的甜味形成了对比。I'll never forget the sweetness of her smile.我永远也不会忘记她甜美的笑容。I like the sweetness of the sauce.我喜欢这种调味汁的甜味。She smiled with saccharine sweetness.她微笑着,笑容甜得发腻。Serve black coffee to help balance out the sweetness of the dessert.来杯不加奶的咖啡解解甜点的腻。They'd had a big argument yesterday, but by this morning it was all sweetness and light again.他们昨天大吵了一架,但到了今天早上又和好如初了。The sweetness of the wine plays off the sharp flavor of the cheese.葡萄酒的甘甜和奶酪浓郁的芳香简直是天作之合。It has not all been sweetness and light between him and the Prime Minister.他和首相的关系并不总是那么愉快融洽。Her voice was dripping with sweetness.她的声音充满甜蜜。I used to be all sweetness and light on the outside, but inside I would be boiling with rage.我过去常常是外表看上去轻松愉快,而内心却怒火中烧。The saltiness of the cheese is balanced by the sweetness of the red peppers.红辣椒的甜味调和了奶酪的咸味。She is the quintessence of sweetness.她简直是和蔼可亲的化身。Serve black coffee to help balance the sweetness of the dessert.来杯不加奶的咖啡解解甜点的腻。His sweetness in friendship increased as the old will to power sloughed off.他昔日的那种权力欲消退了,对人的友爱亲切之情也就增加了。This is a full-bodied wine with just a hint of sweetness.这是一种味道醇厚的葡萄酒,只有一丝甜味。She was yelling at us all morning, but when the guests arrived, she was all sweetness and light.整个上午她都冲着我们大喊大叫,可是客人一到,她又是一副和蔼可亲的样子了。




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