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词汇 熄灭
例句 The flame will go out by itself.火自己会熄灭Without a supply of fuel, a fire will burn out.如果不补充燃料,火就会熄灭He had a dead cigarette between his fingers.他手指间夹着一根熄灭的香烟。Please extinguish all cigarettes now.现在请熄灭所有的烟。The blaze gradually died down.大火逐渐熄灭We black out for a little before the curtain goes up.幕启前我们把舞台的灯光熄灭片刻。Forest Service crews often discover campfires that have not been put out completely.林务局员工常常发现未完全熄灭的篝火。The lights blacked out completely and the offstage music began again.舞台灯光完全熄灭,台后又响起了音乐声。The lamp suddenly went out, leaving us in darkness.灯突然熄灭,我们陷于一片黑暗中。Its tallest volcano, long extinct, is Olympus Mons.它最高的火山是早已熄灭的奥林波斯山。Fire officials let the fire burn itself out.消防官员让火自行熄灭Would all passengers please extinguish their cigarettes? Thank you.请乘客把香烟熄灭,谢谢。A later report said the oil fire on the sea was out.新近的一篇报道称海上的石油大火已经熄灭Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished.乘客应系好安全带直到警示灯熄灭Passengers are requested to extinguish all cigarettes when the red light goes on.红灯亮起时,请乘客熄灭所有香烟。The street lights have a light sensor that makes them automatically go out at dawn.路灯上装有感光器,黎明时分自动熄灭The bulb inside the refrigerator switches off when you close the door.冰箱关门后,里面的灯就会熄灭Nothing could extinguish his love for her.什么都无法熄灭他对她的爱情之火。They watched the fire dying in the grate.他们看着壁炉里的火逐渐熄灭The fire was out, but even so, the smell of smoke was strong.火已熄灭,但即使如此烟味仍很浓。 He fused all the lights by using his electric stove.他因用电炉,烧断了保险丝,电灯全都熄灭Bill put out his pipe and stood up to leave.比尔熄灭烟斗起身离开。The light will go out on contact with water.一碰到水,这灯就会熄灭The dead cigarette was still between his fingers.那支已熄灭的香烟仍在他指间。Please extinguish all cigarettes.请把所有的香烟都熄灭The light goes off when it finishes the programme.完成工作程序之后灯即熄灭When the oven reaches the correct heat, the light goes off.烤箱达到适当温度时,灯就会熄灭The fire had died to cold ashes.火早已熄灭,留下一堆冷灰。




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