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词汇 熄火
例句 She left the engine idling for a few seconds before she turned it off.她让发动机空转了一会儿才熄火I left the engine running and ran back to close the gate.我没让发动机熄火,跑回去关上了大门。The engine suddenly cut off. 发动机突然熄火了。The engine coughed, spluttered, and died.发动机咔咔作响,接着又发出一阵噼啪声,然后就彻底熄火了。The plane took off for LA, lost an engine as it climbed, and crashed just off the runway.飞机起飞前往洛杉矶,但在爬升过程中一台发动机熄火,结果在离跑道不远处坠毁。The engine stalled for lack of oxygen.发动机因缺氧而熄火The engine turned over a couple of times then died.引擎空转了两次,然后就熄火了。The motor kept cutting out because the machinery was jammed.因为机械运转部件被卡住,发动机老是熄火I started to go up the hill and the engine just cut out on me.我开始驾车爬坡,发动机就熄火了。Stopping too quickly can stall the engine.急停可能造成发动机熄火That could cause stalling. 那可能导致熄火The engine spluttered and died.引擎 啪响了几声后就熄火了。Every few minutes the motor cut out as the machinery became jammed.机器老是卡住,马达隔不了几分钟就突然熄火She braked to a halt and switched off.她刹车停下,然后将车熄火The engine coughed and died.引擎噗噗响了几声就熄火了。The bus gave out halfway up the hill.公共汽车驶到半山腰熄火抛锚了。The faulty left-hand engine failed catastrophically as the aircraft approached the airport.飞机快到机场时,本来有故障的左引擎突然熄火,引发了灾难。This bloody car keeps stalling.这辆破车总是熄火The engine stalled.发动机突然熄火了。The engine died.引擎突然熄火了。The engine chugged and coughed, and finally died.发动机突然喀喀作响,最后熄火了。The faulty left-hand engine failed catastrophically as the aircraft approached the airport.飞机接近机场时,出故障的左侧发动机突然熄火,引发了灾难。Every time Mark slowed down the engine cut out.每次马克一减速,发动机就熄火The engine stalls if you let it get too hot.发动机过热就会熄火The engine turned over twice and then stopped.引擎发动了两次,然后熄火了。Two engines cut out and the plane started to eject fuel as it lost height.两个发动机突然熄火,飞机下降时开始喷出燃料。The engine gave one last gasp and died.发动机最后发出一声轰鸣便熄火了。She shut off the car.她把车熄火了。When I started the engine it sparked, fizzed and went dead.我刚发动引擎时,引擎冒出火星,发出长长的嘶声,然后就熄火了。The engine suddenly stalled.发动机突然熄火了。He stopped the car suddenly, killing the motor.他突然停车,结果导致发动机熄火The motor sputtered and died.发动机噼噼啪啪地响了几下后就熄火了。If the motorcycle goes over a bump, the engine misfires.摩托车只要一经过坎儿,发动机就会熄火That could cause stalling.那可能导致熄火As soon as I pulled in, the engine went dead.我刚把车开到路边停下,引擎就熄火了。She waited with the engine running while he bought a paper.她没让发动机熄火,等他买报纸回来。A car may stall due to the driver braking too suddenly.司机踩刹车过猛可能会导致汽车熄火The motor gave a sputter and died.发动机噼噼啪啪地响了几下后就熄火了。One of the plane's engines went out.飞机的一个发动机熄火了。Your foot falls off the pedal and you stall the car.你的脚离开踏板,汽车便会熄火




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