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词汇 wicked
例句 He was in the control of evil men and forced to do wicked things.他被坏人控制,被迫做了坏事。She gave a highly creditable performance as the wicked queen.她扮演的邪恶的王后一角非常值得称道。This wicked person has got a record as long as my arm.这个邪恶之徒作奸犯科的记录有长长一大串。It seemed unthinkable that he should have done such a wicked thing.他竟干出这样的坏事,真令人难以置信。That is the most wicked place in the universe.那是世界上最最邪恶的地方。In certain religions Hell is believed to be the place where wicked people are punished after they die.在某些宗教中,地狱被认为是恶人死后受惩罚的地方。How can you have such wicked, revengeful thoughts?你怎么可以怀有这种邪恶的报复念头呢?She wore a wicked grin after her victory.成功以后,她顽皮地咧嘴而笑。She has a wicked temper.她脾气很坏。She had a wicked case of food poisoning.她碰到一例食物投毒的恶性案件。She flew at me, shouting how wicked and evil I was.她一边冲向我,一边还喊着我有多缺德多邪恶。She described the shooting as a wicked attack.她称那次枪击为恶意袭击。He had a wicked gleam in his eye.他眼睛里闪过一丝狡黠。He has a sharp wit and a wicked sense of humour.他聪明绝顶,爱开玩笑戏弄人。How could he live peacefully with such a wicked crime on his conscience?他做了这样伤天害理的事怎么能过太平的日子呢? A wicked odor was coming from the closet.壁橱散发一股恶臭。All her fault, the wicked little so-and-so.都是她的错,这个小坏东西。I adore white chocolate, as it has such a sweet taste and I always feel very wicked when eating it.我喜欢白巧克力,因为它的口味如此香甜,吃的时候总让我欲罢不能。In the play, a wicked old uncle acts as a foil to the noble young prince.在剧中,邪恶年老的叔父为高尚年轻的王子扮演陪衬者的角色。Of course, in the end, the wicked witch gets killed.当然,最后邪恶的巫婆被杀掉了。In the movie, a wicked stepmother acts as a foil to the noble young princess.电影里,一位邪恶的继母衬托那位高贵的小公主。The wicked fairy bewitched the princess and made her fall into a long sleep.那个邪恶的小精灵对公主施了魔法,使她长睡不醒。Some religions teach that wicked people will suffer eternal punishment in hell after they die.某些宗教告诫人们说,恶人死后将下地狱永受惩罚。The film was wicked.这部电影很精彩。It's wicked to tell lies.说谎话是不道德的。His car goes wicked fast.他的车开得飞快。That was a wicked and spiteful thing to do.那样做可真恶毒。The tickets were wicked expensive.票价贵得惊人。The baron denied his wicked son.男爵声明与无恶不作的儿子脱离关系。However you look at it, it was a wicked thing to do.不管你怎么看待这件事情,它都是一件缺德的事。Carmelina knew that the bird was really the handsome prince under a spell from the wicked witch.卡尔梅莉娜知道那只鸟其实是被那邪恶的女巫施了魔法的英俊王子。Carl had a wicked grin on his face as he crept up behind Ellen.卡尔蹑手蹑脚地走到埃伦后面,一脸坏笑。Joel gave her a wicked grin.乔尔对她调皮地咧嘴一笑。She had a wicked sense of humour.她有种古灵精怪的幽默感。He plays a wicked game of bridge.他桥牌打得很棒。He boasted of having had his wicked way with her more than once.他吹嘘已对她得手不止一次了。She was a wicked and obstinate child.她是个淘气又执拗的孩子。They have a love of power that makes them really wicked.他们热衷于权力,这使他们变得十分邪恶。All his friends thought he was wicked cool.他所有的朋友都觉得他很酷。It was clear that he had done something wicked.他显然是做了什么坏事。




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