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Why do you always blame me for everything?你怎么老是什么事情都来怪我?Why can't the police do more to get the punks off our streets?警方为什么不能采取进一步措施扫除我们街上的小混混?Why do one thing rather than another?为什么做这件事而不做另一件?Why must life be so damn complicated?为什么生活会该死的那么复杂?Why don't we put the bed against the wall?为什么不把床紧靠墙放呢?I dropped my pen again. Why am I such a butterfingers today?我又把笔弄掉了。我今天怎么笨手笨脚的总拿不好东西?Why don't you sit yourself down? We'll do the washing up.你何不舒舒服服地坐着呢?我们来洗。Why don't you drop by one day if you're at a loose end.你要没事做的话何不哪天过来坐坐?Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?Why don't you fix it if you're so smart?你既然那么聪明,为什么不把它修好?Why should he frowst within four walls on such a night?他为什么在这样的夜晚闷居室内?Why did you take on this assignment if you're so busy?既然你这么忙,为什么还要承担这项任务?Why are you two whispering?你们两个为什么要说悄悄话?Why don't you try it on to see if it's the right size?为什么不试穿一下,看看大小是否合适呢?Why are you bringing it up now?你为什么现在要把这个问题提出来?Why aren't all lenses supplied with a lens hood?为什么不给所有的镜头都配上遮光罩呢?Why do they want to poodle the poor kid up?他们干吗要精心地把这可怜的小家伙打扮起来?Why didn't he stop me?.为什么他没阻止我?Why does she always dress like a boy?为何她总穿得像个男孩似的?Why don't we stop for lunch en route?我们在途中停下来吃午餐吧。Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?.为什么在这个国家我们背离了教育上明智的选择?Why not study a new language?为什么不去学一门新的语言?Why do you always argue against me?你为什么老说我的不是? Why did you bring all that paraphernalia? We shall only be away for two days.你为什么带那么多东西? 我们只离开两天而已。Why do people idealize their school days?人们为什么会把他们的学生时代理想化呢?Why has the train stopped? Ah, now we're off again.火车怎么停了?啊,现在又开了。Why don't you come over for dinner?你何不到我家来吃晚饭?Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.为什么她会杀害他?她没有动机。Why did you have to open your big mouth and tell everyone our business?你怎么非要那么多嘴,把我们的事弄得尽人皆知?Why did he have to go and spoil everything?他干吗非把什么事都搞糟不可?What a dweeb! Why doesn't she dump him?真是个怪人!她为什么不甩了他?Why don't you get a TV repairman to have a look at it before you buy a new one?你为什么不找个电视修理工来看一下再决定是否买一台新电视呢?Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces?.为什么英国要坚持消减其军事防御力量?Why was the meeting called off?会议为什么取消了?Why are you always picking at me?你为什么老是挑我的毛病? Why are all those clothes lying around on the floor?为什么所有那些衣服都放在地上?Why are you in such a foul mood this morning?你今天早晨的情绪怎么这么糟糕?Why are you so touchy today?你今天怎么动不动就生气?Why the change of heart?为什么变了态度?Why don't you take up a new hobby?你为什么不找一样新的消遣 ? |